Boss does not provide any work equipment / resources, what to do?


I work since 01.11.2018 in a small company by home office.
Even before the contractually agreed activity, I have told my boss that I need a computer, preferably notebook, to work, because I'm not ready to use my private objects for the performance of my work.
I was so obliging to use my own PC to date. So far, my boss has been pressed by a lot of excuses and false statements to make the device available.

Since I refuse to use my private items, I can't do my job. Contractually, this was unfortunately not recorded. According to the law, the employer is obliged to provide work equipment for the fulfillment of the activity, eg. Available. Deliver.

What can I do now?

Is it a refusal to work if I do the job that I'm able to do by the means available? (That means basically working with MY pen and paper)

What should I do best?


Where is the problem, a pure undemanding office calculator costs around 250 euro and a screen around 80 euro.

Let your boss tell you in writing that you can get yourself a device up to 400 euro, you will lay out the sum.

Then you negotiate with him the conditions, wemm the device is entitled to termination. For example If you go within 2 years, the device will go back to him. If you stay longer, sometime anyway a new device is due and you may keep the device when leaving the company.

But I assume that your boss is simply concerned that he still does not know if he wants to keep you. He will want to wait for the trial period and insist that you use your own device.


You do not have to use your personal belongings for the company!

Say einfahc your PC is broken! So the data is gone!

Let's see what he says to who you need the multiple to do your job!


What exactly is in your employment contract?

If nothing is regulated, the Abreitsschutzvorschriften apply. You also have to give your employer free access.

My tip: find a new job.


There's nothing in the employment contract for the funds used. Neither that I have to use my private funds, nor that he provides any. That's the law, if I'm not mistaken


Yes. Then look for a new job. Withdrawal is the worst thing you can do.

Since November → probationary period. 14-day notice period. From both sides.


Can it be refusal to work if no funds have been made available to me, even though this is the duty of the employer?


Yes, it can.


Withdrawal is the worst thing you can do.

Where is in this case "refusal to work" before? This is nonsense!


I WILL work and provide my worker. Can't work because of lack of funds. That is not considered a refusal or am I wrong?


For the answer

Yes, it can.

on the question

Can it be refusal to work if no funds have been made available to me, even though this is the duty of the employer?

But I'm curious about a reason!


Asker announces in the question a refusal to work. And yes, a simple setting of the work can (also here I ask the Gerd to pay attention to the verbs) a refusal to work.

Of course, as usual, we can now ride around on tiny little things that never come to fruition, but that does not help.

Instead of constantly improving the answers of others wrong, you should just give yourself an answer.


Not that one. Please note the word "may".


Look at this page:

There you will also find information regarding the provision of work equipment - and also reasons why you should not work with your own PC in the home office!


Asker announces in the question a refusal to work.

This is nonsense! How can you justify this claim?

a simple attitude of the work can (also here I ask the Gerd to pay attention to the verbs) a refusal to work

This is not about "simply stopping work" because, after all, the questioner has made the employer aware of the need to provide work equipment.

Instead of constantly improving the answers of others wrong, you should just give yourself an answer.

What I answer myself and when I limit myself to comments (which, incidentally, often meaningful meaning content than so many answers), you have already left to me.

just give yourself an answer

As far as the quantity and the quality of my previous answers are concerned, I certainly do not have to "hide" from anyone!


Yawn… Are you bored again? Yes? Look at the test image, but do not bother me constantly. Worse, the questioners do not always confuse with any nonsensical nonsense that does not help them, which makes the situation even worse.


Yawn… Are you bored again?

And even?

highly theoretical nonsense

… For example what?


The objectivity seems to be suffering a bit. Next question. Would it be a false testimony in court (should that happen) if I now claim that my pc has given up the ghost?


A false statement is a false statement.

Just find a new job if you do not want to use your hardware and can't reach an agreement with your boss. Anything you want to do now about a lawsuit will not hurt you, since you'll be quit before, probably in probation. Just: just stop working is the worst way.


A false statement is a false statement.

Here I have to give justice to qugart.

Apart from the objective reasons mentioned in the link mentioned above, why not use your own PC for the home office (of course, it also depends on the tasks):

If you do not come to an agreement with your employer (for example, temporary use until made available by the employer), there's no basis for this employment at all.

And even if you are completely right with your views, this will not help you in the first 6 months of the employment relationship with a "malicious" employer, as you can usually be terminated without any problems during this time (even if the probationary period should be shorter, because that is only of relevance because of the possibility of termination with a shorter period); Unfortunately, "being right" and "getting the right" are far too often two very different things…