Mini job overtime pay as a laptop?


I'm currently employed by a company XY as an intern but also working as a minijobber as 450 euro force there.

Overtime 1650 euro

Laptop: 1450 euro

Would it be possible that my boss bought me a company laptop?

and would it be possible that I then buy then or pay from my overtime.

Or could one say that he gives me the laptop?

So very simple it would be possible that the boss buys me a laptop and which result can cost if he gives me. Consider that I'm a mini jobber and not allowed over the 5,400 euro limit.

or it would be possible that the boss buys a laptop and sold me as a private person as used company laptop.


Why does not the boss give the money and you buy the laptop?


I think the taxes on this amount beat and he has in the end less than if he can pay it directly as a commodity.


How should he give me the amount tax-free? Or I would easily go on the 5,400 euro


Or do you mean the 1000 euro as a gift for the internship?


With a 450 euro employment one is exempt from taxes. If you have overtime, then you will be paid over the tax-free allowance and then taxes will come on it. At least that's what I thought.

In the end, I have no idea. I have never worked on 450 euro basis.


Of course this is not possible. Gifts given in lieu of owed pay, as a kind of salary conversion, are always taxable and contributory pay. Already by the writing off of the overtime you have - if it concerns not unforeseen illness representations - possibly the limit exceeded and have no mini-job more.