With which app can you (simply) create beautiful logos?


With a small group of children I would like to dye a few t-shirts first and then print them individually, e.g. In large letters with the name, possibly an emoji or any other small picture.

For personal use, I do this myself for years (and with special ironing for an inkjet printer, I take the part so that no one burns), but I always design this in advance on the laptop, so with Photoshop and so. But today I do not consider this to be contemporary and v. A. Not for children. Today, children can handle a tablet much more intuitively than by clicking through the mouse in a photo software on the computer.

So now I'm looking for an Android app that can:

From a selection of (striking) fonts one can write his name
this name should then be freely configurable with different effects
The result should be high-resolution (or as vector graphics) memory or later printable (does not have to be printed directly on the tablet, because my old printer anyway not WLAN-capable.) The final result, I could just open on the laptop, adjust the size (mirror) and then print locally)
(Addition, not a must: add another picture (emoji, etc.) If the app can't do that, I could also prepare individual pictures in advance)

I've been looking for a while now, but find nothing under the previous search terms, which even fits nearly.

So, in short, it's not about printing functionality or how to get something on a t-shirt, but first and foremost that the kids can design their own name on the tablet until they like the lettering.

Would be glad if someone had a hot tip for this.


Cool text


I can recommend Tux Paint. This is especially suitable for children and easy to use. Available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS. What you create with it you can also export as vector graphics (SVG format). http://www.tuxpaint.org/