Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro 250 Ohm without DAC?


I bought new headphones and a DAC 3 days ago.

Headphones: beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro 250 Ohm
DAC: Fiio E10K Olympus 2

I have often heard that you need a DAC or amplifier with the appropriate power for 250 Ohm headphones. The headphones work great on the DAC and sound fantastic.

For fun, I plugged them directly into my PC and lo and behold, they work and even quite loudly. Just like that on my laptop. I would rather have expected that I hardly hear anything.

Out of interest, I simply held the headphones to my multimeter and looked at the resistance it measures. It showed 0 ohms. I don't know if you can measure the resistance of a headphone like that, but theoretically it should be possible.

now I have 2 questions:

Is everything okay with my headphones if they can be controlled so easily from my 90 euro mainboard?

Do I need the DAC at all?


Many sound cards are designed to handle it. A DAC or KH amplifier is not absolutely necessary.

Even a modern smartphone can operate it. In the past, you might need KH amplifiers.

You don't really need a DAC anyway.


If you have no impairment to the volume, you can send it back. Especially since a DAC is not necessarily the main task is to push up the input signal, but to transmit it cleanly to the playback device, maybe you will notice differences there, but here again it depends heavily on the input signal that you use (what you hear the music, what format or what you stream it over).