Ohm? Headphones & Macbook?

- in Macbook

Ahoy shower

I would like to buy headphones and connect both to my Macbook (details available if necessary) and audio interface Steinberg Ur22 MK2. Certainly on my cell phone one time or another. Now I have found out that the Ohm number is important and would like to know what Ohm stands for and how I can find out the number on my cell phone, interface and laptop.

Dange in advance ^ - ^


Ohm is the resistance of the device. The higher this value (for headphones) the more energy it needs to sound sufficiently / properly loud.

Cell phones and laptops are intended for headphones with a resistance of 16 to a maximum of 80 ohms.

With the interface you should look around on the manufacturer's side for core data / technical data.


It doesn't really matter