How can I start Wii Roms on my Wii?


I have just downloaded several Wii games as Roms for my laptop and then wanted to start them on the Wii, because it could not be done or The Wii did not recognize a file, I wanted to know whether it is possible to download games and mods can play on the Wii or how to format it?


I think you need something like homebrew launcher, like on the 3ds. Unfortunately I have no experience with wii.


So first of all you need a chopped Wii. To hack them you have to find the MAC address from the settings. Then enter the MAC address on, select your version, make the captcha and then press any of the two buttons (both do the same). Then you got a file. Extract this and copy it to an SD card (NO MICROSD). Then put the SD in your Wii and go to the message center. Somewhere there should be a letter with a bomb in it. Should be close to the current day. Click on the letter (The exploit will start if you don't want to risk your Wii even if the chance of losing the Wii is low then don't do it!) And wait a bit. It can. Take up to a minute. Then you are at the HackMii Installer. Use the arrow keys on the Wii Remote to navigate. Select the Homebrew Channel and then "Install Homebrew Channel". Wait for it to finish and then go back and choose Restart or Back to System Menu. Then you will see a new channel. To load the games you need USB Loader GX. The best thing to do is watch a tutorial on YouTube.