In the evening the internet is worse than during the day?


When I wanted to watch a twitch stream last night, my internet connection was so miserable that it stopped every second and I could not watch the stream

Since we live in a skyscraper, I realize that our internet connection will never be perfect. Nevertheless, our Internet connection, through the WLAN amplifier, our connection has improved massively

Nevertheless, I have almost serious problems with the Internet in the evening. Only my phone and other devices such as My Vita, Nintendo Switch etc have the same internet connection in the evening as during the day

Why does my laptop in the evening have problems with the internet and my other devices do not work?

And can anything be improved there?


Maybe overload. When a whole skyscraper sucks…


Away from the cable provider. Even if it is only the good "old" double vein, the last mile is at least undivided there. And with Vectoring with 50, 100 or even 250MBit to have


This is not because of your network, but on the Internet itself. The other devices do not need so much data speed, as that is not noticeable.

For your PC but it is noticeable that in the evening all people are at home there and suck data without end. The supply of your provider is not sufficient enough for the supply of all surfing neighbors.


I do not know if you mean Unity Media or cable itself but we're at Telekom and are pretty happy with our offer. It all works as it should except for a trifle and that's just the internet in the evening


For your title question: There are no times on the Internet.
Fluctuating data throughput is normal, commonplace and nothing special.

Otherwise, it is not possible to say anything concrete, since you are not even able to distinguish your local network from the Internet.
But such basic knowledge is absolutely necessary if you want to solve network problems.
Otherwise you get the wrong answers in principle.


Look in your router settings on which channels / frequencies your neighbors surf. If you all sit on the same, I'm not surprised. You then just look for a channel that is used by less people and surf on the.


But how do I find the router settings?

I'm sorry but I do not know about this topic


Do you have a Fritzbox or with what do you go to the Internet?


We have a Telekom speed haven and a WLAN amplifier. But our internet is running on the amplifier


Log in there once and look for radio channel in the Wi-Fi settings. There you can see on which channel you are surfing and how many of your neighbors use the same channel. The more on it, the slower it gets.

I have a Fritzbox, so I can't tell you where to find the Speedport.


Is it possible to do this via the PC / laptop or do you have to do that directly on the amplifier or speed port?


I'll do it on the computer. For that you need a login. You get that as soon as you have signed the contract. But if you ask so already do not know that. Unfortunately you can't help


I know the most so that the cable provider (also Unity Media) breaks down the bandwidth especially in the evening, since many are home in the evening and so more bandwidth is needed. The bandwidth is limited in cable and is divided among the users.

Incidentally, the same also applies to the air interface (WLAN), especially if very many WLANs are active in blocks of flats. There too, the bandwidth is limited. If everyone there increases the transmission power, the problem is exacerbated even more.

A third bottleneck is still in the network from the provider, or in the transition from one provider to another. Here, however, it is mainly pending which goal (server or webside) is used.

You can exclude that actually only WLAN, by connecting the device directly to the router via LAN.

Unfortunately, you have not written how your network looks, so there are only general tips.