When to hand in the cell phone in the evening?


I always have to hand in my cell phone and tablet at 10 p.m. My parents think that I spend too much time on the technical devices during the day (I go to high school, we need a cell phone, a laptop and a tablet at school!). During my school days I could understand it to some extent. But now I'm on vacation and have to hand in my devices at 10 p.m. My brother, who is 2 years younger than me, can play until 10.30 p.m. When I wanted to talk to my mother about it yesterday, she ignored me. I also mostly read on my tablet.

What can I do so that I can keep my tablet and mobile phone longer in the evening? When do you have to hand in your cell phone?



PS: I'm 13 years old and I will soon be 14


I find completely appropriate. However, if you are reading with it, your parents should alternatively buy you books or a Kindle.


I have books, but they have all been read. A year ago I bought 3 books a week. But that cost a lot of money, so I switched to e-books, which are usually cheaper or free. And I also read FFs.


Tray should be replaced with an e-book.


I think that's completely okay.
If you still want to read in the evening, get an e-book reader. Many can access the Internet.


There's nothing you can do. You don't need a tablet or a mobile phone for school. You can pull all information from books. She can give you the things 1-2 times a week for an hour or nothing more. Your parents are not obliged to make these things possible for you.


You already know that there are also libraries? You can e.g. Borrow 1 book from us for 50 cents for 3 weeks.


My brother, who is 2 years younger than me, can play until 10.30 p.m.

I don't think that's okay. Talk again together - your parents, your brother and you - about it.


Thank you


At school we write on tablets and laptops, and at the moment we also need our cell phone to access IServ and to remind classmates of the VKs via WhatsApp


But the libraries are all closed at the moment


Yes just the closure didn't come as a surprise. We just borrow more books before each knockdown.


But now it's too late