Cat possibly broken leg, but have no money - and veterinarians refuse installment? For example, Lunacat does not exist anymore - is there no contact point?


I came home a few hours ago, and discovered that my cat in the front left was no longer used - seems swollen, and inspection and diagnostic tests were quitted with hissing.

First thought: To the phone booth (I have none), yellow pages with, veterinarians call nearby. But none of the 6 reasonably achievable (live in the lonely country, have no car - and no, no one who would drive me) TA would be ready for an installment.

Well, laptop caught, the village center (where you can surf for half an hour daily - no, I have no own Internet connection), hastily googled - and with a variety of search word combinations was (years ago) exactly ONE stop for those in despair Called kind, however even in several forums: ""

There you could ask in such emergency situations, what to do, or you get help (allegedly even fundraisers would be possible).

Great, only the site is "for sale" (does not exist anymore).

What am I supposed to do? For the future I'm now, after this research, finally clever: Take out insurance. But acute? Shall I beat the animal unconscious and fit him with a splint, or what?

Please, does anybody know about you?

(And please: reproaches help 1. Just not, and 2. Would probably be in 99.9% possible such a longer statement on my part, either the charge as unjustified, or at least at least the happened course as my part completely unavoidable from the events I prefer not to start, which leads to my poverty, takes too long, even if the story would have (satirical to horror) entertaining value.)



Maybe small help… Next animal shelter sometimes contact, they know maybe what to do.


If the animal was already there before your "neediness", you could also contact a pet table in the nearest major city. If there's one.

They often help in such cases too.

But I really can't imagine how you can live in Germany with zero money, no phone and Internet, no friends, acquaintances, relatives, etc? Anyone have to give it that you can ask for help?


So Sorry, where do you live, here's what's wrong? There are telephone booths and you can also google that, only at larger train stations and airfields. And internet only 1/2 hour free in the village center? WOW…

If your hangover has really broken a leg, then off to the TA!

Veterinarians are not inhuman, they make very well installments with installment contract, which is binding. Inquire at an animal welfare association, shelter, cat help or any other organization, if they can help you out. There are some ways to get help and support.

There are also in Germany the animal board. Also there you can get help:

Animal Rescue:

Here you can search under the heading Service, for an emergency service:

All the best