Parents get Hartz 4 - work after graduation?


It is not the first time that this topic has brought me to its limits and I ask you to answer in advance only if you are really familiar with it.

At the end of this month, I will hold my high school diploma in my hands and have nothing to do until the middle of August (start of my au pair year). Incidentally, I finish my driving license and prepare myself for my design studies, which I would like to start in 2020.

Now, if I could, I would love to work and like to do it every day! But as a child of "Hartz 4 parents" one's hands are tied. 100 euro a month and everything is deducted 80% of my parents (if I'm still on the right conditions?). That means in plain language, I can only work 11 hours a month. Find a job where you only have so few hours.

Now I have applied for the newspaper austragen and just received a callback - For the newspaper, I would have apparently gotten a job, for the weekly papers (1-2x the week), but no one is looking for. The fact that I had to cancel quasi forced, brings me to the white heat.

I want to work, I get insane boredom and even depression-like conditions, when I have nothing to do (this is already evident in summer holidays) and I also have good reason to earn money: The high school diploma was not cheap, for au pair and study I need a powerful laptop and other hardware and software and then there's the desire to go to a private instead of a state university as well as my hobby, the music, which nunmal is not cheap. But I just can't. I also possibly had an education in mind, because you would still earn something there, but then I would have to move out of home, because otherwise everything is deducted.

Now my question, does this scheme with the 100 euro still apply? And: Can I still validate the time after school as a "vacation"? Last year, I used 4 weeks in the summer, where you can earn 1200 tax-free. Can I do a "summer job" in the meantime? And maybe there are other alternatives that come to mind?

"Need community" or not, I find it an imposition that I have to bear the burdens and consequences of my parents and my options are so limited. My classmates are all jobseeking, but I'm not allowed to work my way up financially to make such things as private college or post-graduate travel possible. Instead, I should put 4 months in the sand.


Just ask where that is decided on the jobcenter. There are in my opinion, this possibility to make a summer job and not get everything credited. The people in the office know your stupid situation and will come to meet you.

And look at the advantages of your situation: With the BaFöG office you should not get in trouble. You get the maximum rate over your entire study period. That will be much more than you have to pay back.

And what about FSJ? You do not have to do that for a whole year. There are also much shorter terms. Sure, most high school graduates make a big trip to the Abi, but first, not all, and secondly, it is the question of whether such a journey for personal development brings more than the work z. B. In a psychiatric facility.

I'm not talking about the color here as a blind person. I know that with your high school diploma, FSJ and the opportunity to study with Bafög, you are in a position that would envy you very much.

Yes, the 100 euro are still available. Of all over it is 20 percent, which you are allowed to keep.

And no, you do not have to bear the burdens and consequences of your parents. You just can't get the same benefit out of your parents as maybe others.


What merit are we talking about here? Without education and without study and without certificates such as CCNA, you will be able to earn at most 400 euro anyway.

Suppose you get your dream job where you get 1,000 euro a month. Less tax and insurance, you may have 800 left. If you could keep the 800 euro (!) Would have saved in a year around 10,000 euro.

Of these 10,000 euro you want now:

Buy a Powerful Laptop: 600Euro
to finance a private study: (per month 400 euro * 36 months = 14.400 euro)
Automobile? = 3,500 euro
What should hardware and software be? MS Office and a Tablet? ~ = 300 euro
Music, Hobby: 2,000 euro (in 3 years)
then come unimportant things like food and heating: (400 / month * 36 = 14.400 euro)

Not counting the cost of calculation, you can't cope with these 10,000 Euro. What's the use of working then? Go to a state university / university and apply for Bafög. Of it you get then possibly 452 euro, whereby min. 50% are given.

Another possibility would be to find a job (which you do not get with your qualification) and earn several thousand euro. Then make sure that your parents no longer receive social benefits and keep them from their own income. But you keep your coal and carry the parent financing on your own shoulders. This can possibly be cheaper.

It might sound fierce because it's a lot of responsibility. But let's be reasonable, who should take care of your parents, if not the daughter / son they raised?

Nobody forbids you to go to work. On the contrary, the job center advocates that. But you also have to be aware that life is no picnic. Your parents gave you something, you took it and now you're giving it a go. It's not the state that needs to look after your parents, it's you. Now you have time to find a job that will enable you later. So instead of going to work and earning the 100 euro for a bubble gum, sit on your but and start learning or gaining other qualifications. Make a timely application for a student loan. They need a while.


Of course I'm talking about jobs on 400 euro (or 450 euro?) Basis, it's only about the 4 months to the au pair. Assuming I earn 1000 euro a month, if I were correct, only 280 euro would remain (100 euro free + 20% of the remaining 900 euro). That's just my problem because of the Hartz IV of my parents. I'm not opposed to helping my parents, but just as I was just starting up, I do not think I should be responsible for my family's main income. Your bill is not quite up - you should not forget now that I would also work during my studies, in addition to the money from Au Pair and I would also get Bafög. In software I speak of Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and Co). But that does not just happen all at once. I do not want to take care of my whole life within those few months, I just want to get a start. Private study is so far only a distant dream that probably will not come true ^^ And the thing is also, I can't help my parents through work at all, so long as I live here, I can only pay them, what they would then deducted because of this work then.


On your earned income then you are the exemptions under § 11 b SGB - ll, assuming 450 euro gross = net would be the 170 euro tax deduction and 280 euro eligible income which your parents then deducted from your needs and then you would have to pay them yourself,

NO, if you are finished with your school and would work during the holidays, then do an apprenticeship with remuneration or go as an au pair, then this would not be a mere summer job, then this regulation with 4 weeks and up to 1200 euro without Not crediting, but only your allowances according to § 11 b SGB - ll, if you gross min.1200 euro would be the 300 euro free allowance.

Then you could deduct this from the net income, that will give you your creditable income which would be counted towards your needs and your parents would not get for you then.


Only up to 1000 euro gross, from 1000 euro - 1200 euro / 1500 euro Gross only 10% free allowance.