Software for Windows PC for remote maintenance of Android tablets?


I'm looking for a suitable, reliable (can also be paid) app / software with which you can access at least 5 other tablets (Android) with admin rights via the (Windows) laptop after they are connected. Similar to Teamviewer or the software that you may have always used in computer science lessons (but here no tablets). We're currently working on a project in which we want to bring older people closer to the digital world and we would like to convey this with tablets. So far I have come across anyDesk and netsupportschool, but I'm not sure how suitable they are.


How about TeamViewer?




With Teamviewer it works - but NOT in the free version…

This is a paid feature…


Thanks for the answer.


Thanks for the answer. So with the premium feature can I switch back and forth between at least 5 tablets simultaneously in real time? Which subscription do I need here?


Call Teamviewer, they also speak German. They tell you that - I don't work at Teamviewer, so I have no idea, but I also wanted to control an iPad, but I didn't have to pay an additional 200 euro, because I already have the normal business license