Maintenance advance fund: Are there guidelines on how often you can see the ALG2-related ex (read context)?


My favorite cousin is a single mother, 1 son & 1 daughter, who both receive advance maintenance payments from the office, as my cousin's ex receives ALG2. She is Hartz4 top-up. So she goes to work, but it's not enough, which is why she receives a small amount from the JC as a grant.

Now, however, the advance maintenance fund has been withholding the maintenance of one of their children since December 2020 (which is why they now have financial problems and one of their children can't attend homeschooling because the laptop is broken, their mobile phone too and both of them need at least to be repaired urgently become).

The reason seems to be that the UVK doubts that it is apart from the father of the children. But that is DEFINITELY like that. The two ARE apart.

And I think it's unbelievable that they doubt it ONLY because he drives her to the shop every now and then because she doesn't have a car. Now and then he also drives her to work. THAT'S IT.

Does anyone here know from a reliable source whether there are any regulations?

I'll put the facts down:

He's been on ALG2 for a long time. He has a very hollow attitude, which was a reason for the split after 17 years with MIT.

The JC has left him COMPLETELY in peace for YEARS and now you keep YOUR advance maintenance payment, that she takes up his excess time every now and then? As I said, MAXIMUM he drives you 1 to 2 times a week to go shopping and now and then to work (in bad weather, etc.). He seldom drives 1 of the children to school when it was still school…

He is the FATHER of the children. Do they expect ONLY YOU to be responsible? Isn't he even allowed to drive her to the shop or to the doctor or support the 3 in general if he already has a car without a job?

I find that INCREDIBLE. IF these field workers did their job right, they would have seen that it basically ALWAYS works like this:

He comes by 1 to 2 times a week, drives her to the shop because she only makes a few large purchases in order to save money. (13 to 15, 1.5l bottles are heavy). Then he carries her bags to the elevator. Then he drives. (It once happened that out of habit he gave her a kiss on the cheek or on the mouth. He still loves her. And I think there's still something with her, but she knows after 17 years that it makes no sense and I know that dealing with him is mentally stressful. If the two hadn't had the children, there would be no more contact. Under guarantee.)

Do they want to twist her a rope now that he once gave her a quick kiss on the cheek or once on the mouth, out of habit? HI? They were together for 17 years, they have 2 children and she separated because he is a mom's boy and just NEVER grows up and doesn't take his life in hand. His mother also WANTS that he was ALWAYS dependent on his mother.

What does the UVK expect? Are there any guidelines regarding contact?


What did she say to the advance maintenance fund? If she said there, for example, there was no more contact except for the inevitable contact because of the children and it now turns out that he is driving her around then they will be able to twist her a rope.

And maybe it also looks like the UHV cash register that he supports them financially by paying for the purchases. So here one can only speculate what exactly the "accusation" is. That has to be clarified there.

Perhaps the UHV cash register no longer recognizes a clear willingness to separate…

There would at least be reasons that speak in favor of withholding money.


And even if it makes life easier for her and the children that he has a car?! The only thing he has to offer, Thanks to his MAMI. Otherwise it has NOT to offer… Really NOTHING! No… Romance… No love… NOTHING! Really nothing! There's NOTHING:: NOTHING… Really NOTHING! NOTHING! HOW MUCH DOES SHE HATE HERSELF? THAT YOU STICK TO THIS PERSON? Well… She means to herself… NOTHING!


Shouldn't it just count that the two are apart? Nothing happens that takes place between 2 people who love each other?


A little overdramatic sorry. But I saw this relationship for 17 years. And at least I think that the only thing that should count is that the two do not have a relationship in the conventional sense. There's definitely no sex, which for me is part of a love relationship. THAT there's some kind of relationship in the INTERPERSONAL realm can be explained solely by the two children they have. The relevant things that belong to a relationship do not take place and if you claim that he supports you AT LEAST with his mobility, the absolutely only thing with which he CAN support you and the children, then I do not find that reprehensible. He doesn't support them financially at GAR. Not with 1 cent, except for what the UVK did. He's a loser before the Lord, and now your children are supposed to suffer from having a loser for a father? Especially since she wrote to the JC at the beginning that she doesn't want anything from him, including no maintenance. But the JC insisted that he pay maintenance through the UVK (credit will be given to him). Yes and NUN. After the JC insisted on it. After she said that she renounced it. Now, of course, she doesn't understand why this is suddenly withheld. THE INSISTED YES


Funny that nobody comments on it. Except for this 1 person. I DON'T KNOW FROM Girlfriend AT ALL after sooo many years.


Did she immediately contact the job center about the broken homeschooling equipment?


ARE apart.

You say that… Probably to the best of my knowledge and belief.

And I think it's unbelievable that they doubt it

Not me - judging by what you've described. At least it supports the suspicion.

The lady concerned should seek legal counsel to clarify the matter.


Sorry, but I don't have to explain the story to me. I gave you an answer and even if you disagree, they should clarify it with the office. I have given what could serve as a reason. There are also corresponding judgments! How exactly the case is now with her I can't judge.

It's nice that you are so committed, but it doesn't change the fact that offices (have to) adhere to their guidelines and, in case of doubt, react how they react. If she disagrees, she must object to a corresponding decision and then the whole thing will be checked again. And then she can make her statement there. But what you think personally now is irrelevant and not expedient.

And if she has a lawyer up her sleeve, then let her mobilize!


And by the way: contact with the children does not include driving the mother to work or doing the shopping for her.


I didn't mean anything angry with you about what I wrote. And of course I respect your opinion. My opinion is that to support the mother also means to support the children. So she has more time with them, he sees the children more often, etc! Because she is annoyed anyway that so little comes from him in this regard. Ultimately, the only thing that counts is that the two are actually apart and I would have been interested in whether there are any regulations. But the best thing to do is to really involve her lawyer, he'll know. So. If anything came across as stupid, it wasn't meant to be.


All good ;-).

The fact is that the UHV really only goes to those who would be lost without the financial and supportive help of the other parent. As soon as the ex participates in the life of the other again in some form, it can come to the aforementioned considerations to delete the UHV. Of course he should take care of the kids. Abe with you, not with her. And he is not allowed to shop for or with her or to take her to work. Because that has nothing to do with the children.

You also have to understand the state. Because UHV is a service of society, i.e. Taxpayers, which requires a real need. But if he supports her in that he gets involved in her life and it even seems that one could get back together, then that is just not wanted. At least not wanted to get money then ;-).


Okay, you are right that it could be doubted just by looking at it. Only if the sales representatives work specifically with the two of them, they MUST have noticed that when he's with her, he's only there for a VERY short time. The two actually only have contact when he drives them to the grocery store and in between a minimum of 5, but often 10 to 14 days pass, when he then comes by again. In your apartment he is only ever present for a very short time, if at all. He NEVER sleeps there, nor does she sleep with him, because the two are not together and they should have noticed that by then. Because he has since mentioned several times (1x it should have been a week in a row) that he is being observed by them. What I absolutely do not understand is that they are not doing anything to get him into work.


Instead of the cousin, I would go to an advice center for ALG II recipients.

There you can take a look at the documents. This is not possible here.


So I could understand it if, for example, the two of them go out together in the evening without the children. So do activities where the children are outside. Because everything where he supports you (shopping, every now and then a trip to work. Like for example the last time when there was so much snow), indirectly also has to do with the children. (The children or at least 1 of the two is ALWAYS there when shopping. So he spends time with at least 1 of the children.

1 of the two children is also disabled. So she doesn't have an easy life and of course she doesn't see that ONLY she has all the work. He is the FATHER. And doesn't even go to work. So from an attorney's point of view, I can't imagine that you can twist your rope out of the fact that the two are no longer together, but he comes by on average every 10 days and when he has time she then goes shopping moves. I think that's ridiculous. The two have separate households and separate coffers. And see each other little.

So after what you write (please do not take it personally, that is not meant badly), it should then be so that the UVK is only satisfied if the father only enjoys the good things of being a father and ALL work, everything unpleasant, please ONLY THE MOTHER should do it. And please as hard as possible. SHE at least goes to work (in contrast to HIM), even if it is not enough to support the children completely.

Lol the joke is still when the two broke up, so she told the JC that she would like to waive the maintenance if that is possible. Since she did not want to be in his debt and she had broken off contact with him (because of the children she then allowed him again, which she actually regrets, because she is not doing well with it, but the two are parents of the children) . But the JC insisted that she apply for it. I guess because then they have to pay less to them. The JC insisted on it in any case. She didn't want that at all. Yes, now she gets it and has to calculate with it. She had high expenses for the new apartment because she was NOT granted a new facility. She has denied all of her money little by little because they have been keeping the money since Dec. She could not buy 1 of the children the urgently new glasses. The recipe must have already expired. (The glasses cost a lot because the child had an eye operation and needs special glasses, etc.), she can't replace or repair the laptop and cell phone, so she can no longer be reached by phone and homeschooling can't take place either.


Do such advice centers have specific names? Or does it differ from city to city. In any case, something has to happen, because because of the lack of money since December, she has to regularly overdraw her account. (Fortunately that works at all.) 1 of the children urgently needs new glasses, which she could not buy. The prescription has probably already expired and she can no longer be reached by phone, homeschooling is not feasible, because both devices (cell phone and laptop) urgently need to be replaced or at least repaired, if possible, because they are broken. Lately she was told that if she would do this and that (I don't remember what), then she would get the money. She did that, but it still hasn't been transferred to her. That was already 1 month ago.


Can you turn to the JC? I thought of the schools. The school knows that but has not yet said anything about this. Sheets are always sent to the child for editing.


But tell me honestly, purely from your point of view. Would you think it would be right if you cut her maintenance even though they are definitely not together? Because they seem to think that ONLY the mother has the work and the circumstances, please, the father should only do the nice things with the children and is COMPLETELY OUT of the matter. Everything that means circumstances, effort and work has to be done ONLY by the mother, the father is now no longer allowed to bear any responsibility. He should only come by every 2 weeks and do something with the children and only the mother bears all the organization, responsibility and circumstances. It is FORBIDDEN if the father participates in it? HOW UNFAIR IS THAT? You think that's ok?


I KNOW they are no longer together. That was a toxic relationship. And she is more than happy that the two are finally separated. She only allowed contact again because of the children, because there was GAR no contact for the first 6 to 8 months. This is really a joke. Especially since she even said at the beginning that she doesn't want any maintenance from him. The JOBCENTER had insisted that she apply for the advance maintenance payment. She didn't want ANYTHING from him (he doesn't pay for it at the moment anyway.) I really can't imagine that this is legally ok. Because HELLO? He is FATHER. The two are parents TOGETHER. I could get so upset about it. So seriously, is he out now? ONLY the mother has to carry everything alone? All responsibility, circumstances, and work have to be borne by them and he should only do the nice and pleasant things with the children? Doesn't even go to work, has endless time and it is forbidden if he takes part in the responsibility for the children? 1 to 2 times within 10 days? No So, for the best sake, THAT is not fair that a father should not have any more duties at all.



Just google advice center for ALG II recipients in your city.


No, I don't think it's all fair.


OK. Great. A heartfelt thank you. We had thought that the schools had something to do with it and had reported this to them and wondered why nothing came from them in this regard.


Oh thank you. I was a bit surprised if there were any comments. That some really think that after the separation, only the mother is responsible for everything and that the father should only take on the pleasant part. Also the fact of calling it 'driving around' when he has no job but a car and offers her to go shopping every now and then. Wouldn't everyone assume that if it saves time and money? I also found NOTHING on the internet. Really nothing. That's why I assume that they have no real handling at all. Because the only thing I found is that there's no longer any entitlement if the children do not clearly have the main residence with the parent who receives the maintenance and that you have a right to maintenance if you raise the children alone. And that's the way it is.


Have no legal control at all
That is not the case either.
You are welcome.


It's me again. We have now told the JC about the broken laptop. And the answer was to contact the school, maybe they know a solution. I've already told them about that. It is now the case that they send worksheets to the child. So it is NOT MANDATORY that you take part in video conferencing because of the worksheets. (But they did that before, with the worksheets, only there are some where the task can only be seen IF you take part in the video conference. So the teachers say in the video conference what to do.) The child At the moment only works on the sheets where you can see the task at hand. If that's what you say, and I've read it up in the meantime, you're right, then I don't know why the JC referred me to school? I guess for the usual reasons, because the authorities of this city like to pretend that everything that is approved for payments is deducted directly from their wages. And they take advantage of people's ignorance. Like to make false claims, etc.


Yes, some just don't want to do extra work, or it has personal reasons, or the respective clerk doesn't know or has never done that and feels overwhelmed with something like that at first, which ends with extra work.

Are just people you meet everywhere else. Only it is more noticeable there, or it comes into the public faster because it meets a group that is constantly being discussed anyway, in all directions.

Have you ever touched on the topic of the new form of support for homeschooling because of Corona? If the clerk does not want to help, then contact the team leader. Written. Then address the letter to the team leader of clerk XYZ.

Which JC / BA is it? So the agency number.

I find it very sad when the children of poor people are so dependent on the rest of the class and access to easier learning. A student needs spontaneous contact with the teacher. If you have a question or need help, it must be possible to implement it immediately.


Thank you very much for your comment. So the school has now written that the child should come to school once a week, which we think is really good, because as a single mother who is also sick, to supervise and look after the homeschooling for 2 children, for example if you still has a lot to do in the apartment (because as an ALG2 recipient, this only works gradually, if there's money left over) and still goes to work on the side (top-up), then it's really not that easy. That's why you're grateful when the school says that he should come to school once a week. In addition, school will start again soon. But all the same, it's all very stupid, because each of the internet-enabled devices is defective in some way. She had known for a long time that she should have them repaired or replaced, but there was no way of knowing that Corona was coming and that the condition of the devices would all deteriorate to such an extent in pretty much the same period of time that they could only be used can still save with a new installation (new Win10) or even have to replace, you could not see that beforehand. She had postponed repairing it because the new apartment was first on her list of priorities. It drags on because when birthdays and Christmas come then you don't have any money for the apartment for months.


With a laptop it's relatively easy - reset to Windows search (Windows 10) and then reset the laptop to the factory settings (remove everything) and then when you restart, Win 10 is installed.

But whether the problems can be solved that way. Try out.