Win 10 new on hacked laptop?


A friend can no longer get into her laptop. A long phone call with Microsoft revealed that it was probably hacked.

Now I've bought Win10 new and put it on a stick. Still it doesn't work. Already entered the key 3 times. The 1st option upgrade is allegedly not possible with a stick and the 2nd and last option ("for experienced users" also not, because there are four 0-er partitions that can't be selected and formatted). You just get stuck.

I would have to format the laptop… But you already fail at login. : - /


If the formatting is really not possible in "experienced user" mode, then something is wrong

Three possibilities: try to format via live Linux, expand and format or exchange on another Win10


Sometimes there's an option that you can format in the BIOS


If nothing works, in case of doubt just swap the hard drive, then it should definitely work.


The old WINDOWS, which is still present on the LT, prevents a new installation. For whatever reason.

The only remedy is a new, fresh hard drive. Take an SSD right away.

Then nothing should stand in the way of a new installation. And the data on the old disk is retained and can be used further via an external hard disk enclosure.