Wattpad login not working?


I should have a question and I logged out of Wattpad to log in to another acc but now I come in in my two accs and there's only "you can't log in at the moment try again later (13 ) "I have already started the app, reinstalled it and restarted my cell phone. Incidentally, it does not work when I try to log on to my laptop. Does anyone have an idea what I could do or did someone ever go straight?


Maybe you just try it on your cell phone, but not in the app, but on the page, but if it is on the computer then definitely not here. But a try is worth it.

if not, I would just wait or get a new acc (as long as you still know which stories you had, it's still halfway.

unfortunately never happened to me sorry


I've been using Wattpad for 4 years and it happened to me in the beginning. For me it was because there was something with my e-mail address with which I logged in, so that it was not valid or something, but this message came a few days later.

On the other hand, it can also be that Wattpad sometimes has a few bugs and does not let you into its account, so you have to wait a few hours (sometimes a day) and then try again, for me it worked after a few hours.