Still to save Windows Vista?


I'm having a problem again, and it's about my sister's Windows Vista laptop.

For a few weeks, Windows Vista does not start anymore because apparently there's no NLS data missing.

So I got a Vista ISO from the Internet, flashed it on a 32GB stick with Rufus and let the laptop start it.

But all the system recovery options did not work because my sister did not care about a system recovery point.

Checkdisk did not find anything and neither "bootrec -fixboot", "bootrec -fixmbr" nor "bootrec -rebuildBCD" did anything.

I have copied the user folder to my desktop. Is there still a way to get the device up and running again? Regards


Vista down and Win 10 on it?

All in all a small SSD.

What do you want with an OS, where it is unsafe to go online.


Unfortunately it is dead pants


Afterwards I wanted to install LUbuntu on it, I had already tried it with Windows 10, but got stuck at the start screen


Oh. Then try out Ubuntu.


Windows tried 7 times?
Vista reinstall times?


With Windows 7, I'm not sure if the Vista license works, and again Vista to install, no thanks, yes eh Updatemäßig dead


Even if the key does not work, the key for Win7 / 10 costs about 5-15 euro…

And you can also install without Key and later active.


I recommend you xubuntu rather, is more customizable.


Do you know a remedy to help the asker or do you not know about operating systems?


I'm very sorry, but actually it should have worked after the transfer of the USB stick, you've even looked at whether the compatibility of the fit


Here I would download and install a free operating system.

The links and descriptions are on the ingenious page

Unfortunately, the insecure Windows (7,8,10) has many disadvantages and limitations for the user. Win is poorly equipped - not even a fully fledged office is free of charge, but every Linux has all the programs I need.


I know, I'm also slowly "practiced" install in Linux. Will be installed as a main or secondary system certainly LUbuntu.


Okey, I will install a trial on my laptop tomorrow


Since there's no support for Windows Vista since 2017, I can also recommend to install the operating system Cloudready. This is a customized Chrome OS so you can turn any laptop into an ultra-fast Chromebook. To do this with another computer:

Download and install this tool: This allows you to create bootable USB sticks.
Download Cloudready:

Unzip the zip. You will receive an IMG or BIN file
Insert a blank formatted USB stick with at least 8GB
Start the installed tool and flash the IMG or BIN file on the stick

When done, just boot this stick on the Windows Vista laptop. Just follow the instructions of the installer. It offers the possibility to delete the hard disk. When the installation is complete, the system restarts. Then you just have to log in with his Google Account.

Cloudready goes off like a rocket and scarcely scratching on the system resources. The browser and the Chrome apps start without delay. So you can spend without spending money an old device meaningful.

Here's a video of what Cloudready looks like: