Funny error message when opening a file?


A few months ago I dragged a file that was on a stick onto my laptop. Since then, I haven't changed it or anything else. I wanted to open it earlier but then I get this error message even though the file exists. I hope someone could help me with my problem 😅

Funny error message when opening a file

It says that the file could not be found and that I should make sure that the name is entered correctly and that I should then repeat the process.


Has the stick been ejected correctly?

Is that still the right memory bland?

Sure it's the file and not just a shortcut?


Is the drive really C: \?


Do you have software on the computer like Word or Open Office? If not, it will be difficult to open the Docx


Yes, I have Word on my computer


Word can be seen in the task bar


I think that was the name of the stick


If the file was opened via Explorer, this can hardly be the problem


I don't remember that anymore because it's been a few months.

I don't know my way around


Can't be. C: is always the installation path and therefore the main pc folder. I think your USB stick was called E


But the icons of the Docx files look like they are not recognized as Word files. Unfortunately, the file is hidden behind the error message on the screenshot.


How did you try to open the file? Double click or did you try to open it from Word?


Yes, you are right


If you still have the original file I would try to copy it again, the file could be broken so corrupted


Probably corrupted


I had the file on a stick first and then copied it to the computer and then deleted it from the stick. Unfortunately, I no longer have the original file


I tried double-clicking


Then you have to try to fix it somehow.


Okay, but I really have no idea how I do it


Try opening the file directly via word. You then have to change the selection field in the dialog box at the bottom from docx to "Restore text from any file".


Try to open the file via Open with after you have selected your Word.exe


Somehow that doesn't work


If your portfolio is really important to you, then only a repair tool will help, some of which cost good money.

Or you can see if you can still get the original file from somewhere. ^^


Um: You can read error messages already?
It is clear that the file does not exist.

Time to get your backups out.

As a precaution:
Please do not write the usual "Mimimi-But-The-File-was-there-there!" On this platform.
Things break - gone is gone - that's why you make backups.
If you don't have one, learn it the hard way now.


Hm… It is strange that the Word files - recognizable in the background - do not recognize the Word symbol or the Word identifier - normally it says 'Microsoft Word Document' and not 'DOCX file'. Which Word is installed on the PC?

What happens if you want to open the file from Word?


I overlooked it.
The file link goes to drive C and therefore not to the stick.
(Unless some cardboard nose would have really bent the system and hit it against the wall!)


So I opened it via "WordPad" and it worked strangely.


Yes, I find that strange. I have Microsoft Word installed.

I can't open it from Word, but I have now opened it via "WordPad" and it works strangely


Unfortunately I can only type in the "blue".

What error message do you get when opening in Word?

If you right-click on the file… What is the type and name in the properties? What about other "working" Word documents?

The question arises whether the assignment of the Word files has been lost (then run Setup and repair the Office installation) or - for whatever reason - the file is no longer recognized as a Word file.

There are more Docx documents on the storage location… Can you open them or does the same error message appear?

Which Word version is installed on your computer… Maybe it is not compatible with your Word version?
When you create a new document with Word and save it in this folder… Are you not getting the correct display as type or file preview?


It was apparently due to the Word version. I have now logged into another user account and the files are there as normal as Microsoft Word files


It wasn't because of the Word version. The files are not broken and can now be opened again


If you think… Only the error message is not a Word error message. So it could also be that you have now done something else… It's hard to say. 🤔

But nice that it works.