Windows: wrong display setting 2 monitors can't be separated but only together?


I got a laptop with external monitor for a training.

Typically, the screen should simply be expanded via display setting on the screen on the second monitor.

So far so logical.


The PC says, detects and identifies the laptop and Ext. Monitor as a monitor [1 | 2] as well as inactive [5] [6]

I can expand or duplicate the display only on [1 | 2]. I could the display lt. WinDoof only on [1] or [2] display… Useful if I need 2 monitors.

Corresponding to my goal

Monitor [1] [2]

Ad expanded to 2.

Windows: wrong display setting 2 monitors can t be separated but only together

Does anyone have a solution?

The ext. Monitor is connected via HDMI.

I'm just wondering.


Disconnect - restart - connect

Then make the desired setting with WIN + P.


Tried without effect problem persisted


What happens with the individual WIN + P modes?


This is due either to the selected resolution, or (more likely) to the driver. If duplication works with 1920x1080, it is even safe with the driver. Do you have administrative rights on the laptop? If not, it is a case for the support of the AG.


When duplicating, of course, the same is displayed on both

When you expand you can see only the extended view on both monitors… No idea where the main view disappears.

Show Desktop 1 or 2 ensures that a screen turns black.

Well it was somehow solved by a technician via console. For private I would be interested in the cause but also.

Could I just install something - like on a private computer - I would have updated the drivers. Most of the time winDoof had thrown out the updates. An update did not show me the PC itself


The support has solved it. Since I'm not allowed to install anything myself. And apart from the driver, nothing else occurred to me.

I assumed the driver after a reboot with separate HDMI did not solve this problem.

Unfortunately, I was not able to see which commands were sent via the console, but it was too fast.

With such annoying problems, one nevertheless often comes across as the stupidest user. Even if it is a normal setting.


"Desktop on 1 and 2 expand" is not?


No did not go.

It was solved by the support, as no idea. The drivers may have been restarted.

When expanding, both monitors continued to show the same. In addition, the main view was missing with the menu.