Any good arguments for switching from an old laptop to a good PC?


I got an old laptop from a buddy that doesn't run well anymore. I've been using it for a good year now. Now my parents bought a new PC a week ago and I asked if I could get the old one. I discussed a lot with my parents and they said I should tell them the advantages of a PC. My mom also does not want the PC to be in my room and I can install games there as I like because I'm "only" 14 and she is afraid that I only spend my time in front of the PC. Do you have some good arguments? I already have arguments like: My laptop is old and takes a long time to boot and the PC is faster and runs better. I need urgent help.


With the new PC I can open several tabs and do better school work




I'm actually no longer the best at school, but it has something to do with something else


I would never judge that anyway. The fact is that gamers in general have much better responsiveness. That their spatial thinking is much better developed, etc. Of course, if you overdo it, you can get a little soft in the bulb. But that's the way it is with everything.


I don't know if the following arguments convince your parents.

A PC can be equipped, you can learn something about computer technology.
If a PC breaks, it is much easier to repair and teach something about technology.