Noise during PC operation?


My laptop emits a certain tone during operation, which is probably not produced by a loudspeaker. It is always present, but much more clearly in network operation. The noise mostly occurs in short sequences, but sometimes in somewhat longer ones.

I would be happy if someone could tell me what this tone means and whether it indicates a defect.


Could be but could you describe all of this a little more precisely? In any case, I once had a Pc of the "stride" even if you set the loudspeaker volume to 0 until the end it was the loudspeaker that had a defect.


The PC works perfectly and I can almost exclude the coil whine. It is a low, high pitched tone at a non-constant frequency. The volume does not change with higher loads.


Ok do you have dvd drive? Or even floppy?


Neither, nor an HDD. As far as I know, the only moving part should be the cooler.


Test the mark by letting it spin really quickly with the Speedfan program and see if the sound is produced. Otherwise there were only repairs to the computer or had it suffered minor damage?


At high or full load, the cooler drowns out the noise completely. The device (Acer Aspire 7) is only a few months old and as far as I know the noise was there from the start. I've definitely heard it before, but I couldn't find anything similar on the Internet. Because of the height of the tone, I couldn't take it either.


Ok then try to get a refund


I still managed to start a recording. I added the video to the question. However, this is not about crackling in the background. I don't know where that comes from.


I have to type blindly. Capacitors can vibrate. Sounds like an electric shaver in quiet. The difficult thing is the villain.

In principle, re-soldering and hot glue help, since it is fixed.


I don't hear anything.

A hum usually comes from the power supply and is a high-frequency hum, which causes an ELO / electrolytic capacitor to vibrate.

If it comes from the speaker, it is a grounding problem. You can fix both relatively easily.


Unfortunately, I don't hear anything except crackle


I'm going crazy… Somehow I'm the only one who hears that sound.


Could these sounds come from C3's operating status?