Can you keep an app running with a virtual machine?


I have a question:

I have a laptop (Linux Mint).

And server hard drives (I'll get one more).

If I now program the app with a virtual machine (for iPhone).

And it is connected to the server, can I then close the virtual machine, for example to work on the laptop?

So is the app / website still online?

What if I shut down my laptop, are the servers still running? Is the website still online?

I would be happy for an answer.


Just think of a virtual machine as a mini PC running inside your PC.

When you turn off the PC, the virtual machine is off too.

If you close the virtual machine, the host PC can continue to run.

If your server is running on the virtual machine, it will of course go off when the VM goes off.

So where is your server running? Do you have a hosting provider?


The virtual machine must of course be running. So you can't shut down the laptop. Actually minimize the window, don't close it.

If you want to operate a simple server 24/7, a Raspberry Pi is a good choice. It is very inexpensive both in terms of acquisition and the follow-up costs (electricity).


So I don't have a server running yet. I had to buy servers myself.


What can you do with the Raspberry Pi? Is it just running all the time to keep the servers online?


If that's a physical computer, then it has to run around the clock… Of course.

If the server is running on your computer, then your computer and the server program must be running. Otherwise, of course, no outside inquiries are possible.

As far as "outside" is concerned, how do external agencies know your IP? DynDNS would be a way.


So I would have to leave my laptop on to keep the server online?

Wouldn't like to leave my laptop running all the time, is there any other way?


A server is nothing more than a computer that answers queries.

How you realize this computer is up to you. A laptop is not a good server. High power consumption, low performance, poor internet connection. But completely sufficient for development.

Otherwise, God has invented data centers for this where your server is located. And when you start small, you rent a virtual server and share the costs with many others.

It's called VServer, maybe this is something for you.


A Raspberry pi is like a normal Linux PC with an ARM processor. As long as you have a binary that has been compiled for ARM, you can run everything that runs on a Linux server as long as you have RAM, etc. Enough.


So a mini computer that lets the server run.