WLAN to laptop extremely slow?


I have a 150 MB / s lead from Unity Media. We use Wi-Fi via the Connect Box.

Unfortunately, the Wi-Fi on the laptop is extremely slow. The speed test shows 1.25 MB / s. When I make my phone the speed test, I'm almost on top speed.

Now I connected my laptop via a mobile hotspot of the mobile phone and carried out the speed test again. Behold, it's almost at top speed again.

Who has an idea what that can be and how to fix it?

I'm not a pro PC and WLAN, therefore, please understand for laymen ;-)


How old is the laptop?
Does the same phenomenon occur when you stand next to the router?


Funny, to my knowledge, measures Speedtest.net or similar pages always the measured values of the Internet Box or which values are received. But no matter, is it an old laptop, or is it generally slow & could you tell what hardware is installed in the laptop?


First off, I assume you mean megabits per second and not megabytes per second. If so, please also write MBit / s or Mbps. Also missing some meaningful information. How is the structure of the network, what hardware is involved, what are the distances between devices? So here's just a little general about Wi-Fi:

Missing bandwidth on Wi-Fi is always poor reception. The question is, why is that bad. In apartment buildings, overuse of the individual channels is usually the main problem. 5GHz has a poor penetration and 2.4GHz has practically only 4 usable channels. So that one can use from 5 parties in range 2.4GHz practically frequently only with disturbances. Here you should look at the assignment of the channels and if possible completely switch to 5GHz.

For single-family homes, the problem is usually the penetration. People set up their routers so that they are not as visible as possible and do not have freestanding antennas. Also, if present, the antennas are not useful but rather decorative. Here, 5GHz is more of a problem because the penetration is worse than in the 2.4GHz range. Here it helps that the router is well placed. A router should be as free and central as possible in the building. Classically, the devices with the worst Wi-Fi reception are laptops, as they do not have recesses for their antennas in the housing like cell phones.


Speedtest.net measures the bandwidth on the executing device. How should that work otherwise?