Does the devil want something from me?


So it's been my whole life that wherever I go, something happens to someone or something happens to me that is not physical but rather emotional.

at least yesterday it was pretty extreme, because first my laptop, which is new (2 months), was spinning around badly, in which it wrote 6 in period no matter where you could write something. When I restarted it, it was gone. Then it was also the case that I had a lot of lower abdomen pain and wished that it would go away. That happened then, but a few hours later one of the caregivers had such great abdominal pain that she had to be hospitalized. Then I went for a walk from around half past eight in the evening to eight in the evening. I walked past the lamp posts in the street and then one of them went off at a time. I was a little scared and went to the lamp. I touched it and then it went back on.

Two weeks ago, in my anger, I broke a mirror attached to the wall and my hand was fine. I actually didn't hit that hard at all. And before that I dropped 2 glasses that day.

Before that I sometimes had psychoses where I thought I had a 2nd personality, because I almost killed my roommate because of little things. After that I just cried.

can you please help me, I just want to know what's wrong with me and no matter if you say it's fake or not, I NEED Help


How about if you are looking for psychological help.


Hey ^^
Personally, I don't think there's anything to do with you. But if it annoys you like that, then I recommend going to church. They can certainly help you there!


Have you ever asked a psychotherapist for advice? It can take away your fears!


I already have, I've been to the day clinic many times and once in psychiatry but was only described as healthy with ADHD.


I have an idea how you could possibly alleviate it. What do you like? Tell me something. Maybe I can help you. I do the same with my father. He gets a little aggressive and likes reaggy so I said if you get aggressive think about reactgy. That's such a chilled-out music. If I'm there, I can play it too. 1. He calms down and 2. He thinks about what I said to him and probably calms down.


Well, you are always under a lot of tension, as you describe it.
You have a psychological vulnerability and I assume that you are receiving specialist treatment for it.
If you have basic confidence in your doctor, then keep in touch with him and discuss such thoughts and incidents.
Personally, I don't see the 'devil' in the game any more than with any other person.


I've done it already.


Then try to go into it or not see everything as abnormal e.g. Lamps have loose contact when you touch them, they come on again when you touch them, I also had something like that with your PC, I lost an aggressive problem through boxing.


Don't like going there anymore but can do it at Easter. Hope corona allows it


You are definitely NOT alone. I'm also feeling bad at the moment because I have an anxiety disorder. Never think that you are alone


I like juice wrlds music and fnaf so i keep that in mind.


I'll do it with my therapist, thank you


I also think that makes sense!
Good wishes to you!


"It can take away your fears!" - Well, it's usually not that simple.


And what is your suggestion?


I didn't mean to say anything against it. Just that it's not that easy. I know two people who have been walking this path for years.