In my child's school class, almost all children have several missed lessons in distance lessons, which should now be excused two months later, what should I do?


My child's class has been in distance learning since December.

In February, the class teacher wanted to tell the parents which children had absent hours, but this did not happen.

Well, almost at the end of April, an email came to all parents, they would like to check a certain program to see how many hours their child has been absent and excuse them, as this will be noted on the certificate.

Since then, the devil has broken loose in the WhatsApp group of parents.

All children have absent hours, sometimes hours when the parents were at home and made sure that their child attended class.

Some children have 6-60 absent hours, all of them with the same teacher.

The children all don't know what exactly was going on on those days, as it was partly 2 months ago.

In addition, the Internet connection is not always stable for many.

Sometimes absenteeism of 10 minutes was recorded.

How do you excuse something that you don't know what went wrong? My child is absent for 3 hours and 2 times 10 minutes during the entire school year.

Others, as I said, 20 to 60 hours.

Should you think of something now or leave the absent hours open because of the lack of comprehensibility?

Several parents know that their child was always online in class because the child was sitting in the same room as the parents with the laptop.

But they can't prove it.

Or do you just excuse the general bad internet connection?

In our house, the connection actually breaks down unnoticed, for example on my smartphone when it changes from WLAN to mobile data at home. It is a concrete house and the connection is sometimes jerky on the upper floors.

What is best to do?


I just apologize.

It doesn't matter as long as it is not a diploma.

Looks like sick days then.

It says innocent as a child of refusal


I would try the parents' council! These people have been chosen for such purposes. And then you could work together against it. I think Corona requires a different approach than usual - we probably all agree on that. It sounds logical to me that seamless childcare can't always be guaranteed during online lessons.


So just a blanket excuse that the internet was down?


The parent representatives are very close and are currently collecting information on who is affected and how badly. Many children are at home alone during the day and do not know what to do when the network is down.


For example.

I always wrote on it:

My child is from

then see you then and so…


You don't have to justify it.

But being kind is good.

Is it just in the school rules that you have to send something.

Otherwise she would just be obliged to avoid it as innocent on the certificate. Are just regulations.


Then leave it to them to clarify this collectively - applicable to all parents.


There's only theater with this teacher, complaints have often been made at school. She sometimes throws things off the table for the children in face-to-face classes.


Just excuse me! I do not understand the question correctly. In the time in which this question was being formulated, he could have been excused ten times. It wouldn't have occurred to my father, he would simply have written the apology, if necessary we would go to the family doctor and get the excuse there (we always do that).


Then the class representatives should keep a kind of "diary" for 2 weeks (secretly, of course!), What happens when and that should - together with the parents' representatives - be presented to the Direx!


And why do you have to write a judgmental comment when someone asks a question? In contrast to you, my child has never had absenteeism before, which is why I'm not familiar with it, unlike your father, who obviously has practice in it.


I would add that absenteeism due to internet crashes is guaranteed to be illegal. Is at least unimaginable and unreasonable.

I would definitely get advice and possibly take legal action together with the other parents.

If I were a father, there's no way I would accept that.


I've already noticed a lot… How she shows children in front of others… I mentioned that directly.


I missed 4 hours on the certificate, of which 0 were unexcused. And only 2's and three 3's on the certificate, so I can't be so stupid.


But an individual like you may not get very far. You should serve there as a collective. That makes more impression. The work of the class representatives - the diary - is very important!


I think that's impossible… Since the 1st coronavirus lockdown, I had no internet again and again. And not for minutes or hours, but over days, not once over a week…

But impossible because you should understand that now… You could possibly still understand for a whole day… But even there…

How about something like "diarrhea"? The child "wasn't good"… It'll be difficult when all parents write something like that…

60 absent hours are hard… The parents must have noticed something… Or the teacher is lying…

Parents, get together and complain to the school management!


I think you have to leave the church in the village. Most children log in reliably there. If there are a few hours or minutes missing… I don't know whether the teacher missed what kind of time we're going through. That there can be imperfections. My goodness…


A sick leave 3 months later is not possible and can't be claimed.

One day after the fact is possible. Don't think you always do it that way. That would not be legal and the doctor would make himself a criminal offense.


I see it the same way. Such teachers must be shown where their place is.

I would really get legal advice. Radical. Let the school know. Then they'll probably give in on their own to avoid legal problems.


Which doctor? The question did not ask for a doctor! Question please read better.


Please read better! I wrote to Marvin, not to you.


Take that with you, thank you


Do you think you can get away with that?


I'm not a lawyer. However, I can't imagine that it would be any different. Would be very wrong and another reason to leave this country.


I'm a teacher, but that is not possible!


Nobody writes anything about stupid, what does that have to do with it?


What do you think is not possible now?

That internet failures are counted as absenteeism and have a negative impact on the testimony?


Sorry, got upset about Marvin's comments. Shouldn't hit you




That would interest me too


All this behavior…


If they want that and you say that you forgot to send it to them and the date is correct, everything is fine.


From this school?

Would be more helpful if you comment a little more detailed. Otherwise that only raises more questions.


What is there to get excited about?


So, you mean forgery of documents. Well if nobody notices.


Well - everything that was criticized in the question… If a teacher wants excuses (he is entitled to them) and he does not get them, he has to ask the legal guardian as soon as possible…


3 months is not timely. And I don't think it's legal to claim connection failures as absenteeism.

That would be of level, justice and empathy at the bottom of the flagpole. When I think about it, I get hatred.


"Document forgery" what a word. Besides, I was sick. No wonder if one reads such questions on good question. 😂😂😂


Going to the doctor one day for a missed lesson as if you have nothing else to do. What should the doctor write in there? The child was sick from 11 a.m. To 12 p.m. That day, but not from 8 a.m. To 11 a.m. And from 12 p.m. To 2 p.m?


"3 months is not timely" → exact. In my opinion, the teacher (or the teacher) should be late. 3 days ask. Period of time as an employee also has to apologize…


Huh? No, it's very simple, he writes in that your son had an appointment from 11 to 12, he certifies that to you.

Before / after he was in school because he was in school and not yet / no longer at the doctor, is logical.

And to be precise: quite honestly, as you said at the very beginning, he has no absenteeism. If it is that important to you, I would accept a doctor's appointment. 😀


And yes, I have nothing else to do with Corona.


You can excuse your child yourself for up to three days without a doctor's certificate. As long as it is not Wed, Thu, Fri, if I'm correctly informed


The doctor's appointment lasts longer than the absent hours. And seriously. You should currently avoid unnecessary visits to the doctor. You have enough to do. And the contagion is also given in the waiting room. Sure, the teacher also believes that if the child has been absent for 60 minutes, it means that it was 30 minutes there and 30 minutes back to the doctor, plus waiting time and treatment.

Makes 2 hours of absence in 60 minutes of school lesson.


Look, I'll be happy to repeat it to you. He wasn't absent for a whole day. He was missing 6 hours. That means he was missing 1 hour on 6 days, in the middle of the day. No certificate will help.


But the doctor has other things to do.


We have been going to our family doctor since 1997. He is on the street next to us. You can walk there in a maximum of 2 minutes.


Above all, a certificate helps, that is very credible in itself.


Yours maybe, not necessarily mine on a Friday. There are 2 in the practice anyway (he is one of the few in my city who vaccinates, even with both vaccines).


By the way, the teacher is not allowed to give your son any absenteeism due to a bad internet connection, just on the side.


But we don't go to your doctor. Ours is 30 minutes away.


What does that have to do with the question. Sorry, but I don't care.


That is past the topic. End please