Looking for a recommendation for a high-quality USB 2.0 stick as a replacement for an external hard drive, because they are not recognized?


My netbook no longer recognizes external hard drives. Windows shows a driver error. No idea how I can solve the problem. Now I want to backup the data from time to time. Since the netbook can still recognize USB sticks, I'm looking for a USB stick that I can use as a backup. It should, however, be a high quality stick. Can be quiet USB 2.0, because the notebook has no faster connection.

Question 1) … Does it make sense to use a USB stick as a backup device, is it safe?

Question 2) … Who can recommend me a high-quality USB stick should also have at least 64GB or even better 128GB!


Since I use Windows 10, my laptop no longer recognizes the external hard drive! Recently I had a SSD disk installed in the laptop to make it faster. People gave me the previous hard drive with all the data stored on it. You can put them in a frame and connect them to the PC. That would be an option.

Download a new driver, then maybe your problem is solved!


I have no idea where to get the driver and how to download it then. I'm completely overwhelmed. Can't do that!


Enter into the net, search for a driver for netbook (labeled for your model)!


I already tried on the ACER side I was already. There are different downloads. No idea what they are for, but none for my problem. I have now ordered a USB stick for 40 euro with 256GB and will use the.


My netbook no longer recognizes external hard drives. Windows shows a driver error.

Unpleasant the problem. Reinstalling the driver and possibly the recovery system could help. Maybe the driver does not work under Windows 10. Maybe there's still a current driver. The driver is offered by the manufacturer of the hard disk. Simply enter the model of the hard drive into a search engine and install the appropriate driver.

For question 1:

Hard disks are better suited for the present application: More storage space and generally a longer life than USB sticks. USB sticks are designed to transport data between devices. Not for a long and secure storage of data. Hard disks therefore often have control mechanisms to detect an early failure or to avoid memory errors. For your purpose a stick will definitely be sufficient BUT:

Generally no storage medium is 100% secure. Both the USB stick and the hard disk can fail. Therefore you should ALWAYS save data at least twice. (Once on a computer and once on another disk) For important / irreplaceable data necessarily make a backup and store outside of your own home.

With a stick, you should be aware of the increased probability of failure and the higher probability of memory errors. An additional backup is accordingly even more important.

For question 2:

I can't and will not give you a recommendation for a stick. Better would be here probably a SSD, where you would be back to a hard drive. If I had to buy a stick, I would simply buy 2 sticks of a brand manufacturer. The data is backed up on both sticks. (So here are 2 data copies) The failure of a stick can be compensated. Ideal would be hard drives or even better a network storage. Both alternatives would be safer. The sticks are "only" the 2nd-best solution, but probably sufficient.


Thanks, I have now ordered a stick of ScanDisc Ultra with 256 GB. Of course, I will save the data around corners on an external HDD, but first of all on the stick. Since the HDD was replaced by an SSD on the netbook, the external hard drive is no longer on the netbook. No idea why. Do not know me and must now live with the detour.


Since the HDD was replaced by an SSD on the netbook, the external hard drive is no longer on the netbook.

The problem sounds solvable. What surprised me is that the drivers are not installed automatically. I also do not know all about Windows.

Very well, I would personally (and depending on the importance of the data) even now make sure that you save the data on 2 (preferably even 3) different disks. Such a disk failure always comes just when it is least needed.