My boss wants to give my colleague, who comes to work by train, my laptop for emergencies so that she can do her home office. He justifies this that the railways could strike or a demo is taking place! I (drive 1 hour to work) should get into business normally. Because I have a car.
the laptop is officially mine!
feel treated unfairly. What would you do?
The boss can't give the laptop to your colleague if it's yours. He can't determine your own property.
Then he has to buy her one when she needs a laptop.
I'm not giving up my property.
Who is the owner of the laptop?
Does it really belong to you or is it only used by you and is it company property?
Officially, this laptop belongs to the company / boss! 😜😁
And the boss decides what happens to it!
Company property
It is company owned
The Company.