Laptop extremely slow for no apparent reason?


I have a laptop with a 64-bit system - AMD A6-9225 Radeon R4, 5 computer cores 2C * 3G with 2.60 GHz

The computer is generally well maintained and the hard drive is about 20 percent full.

Nevertheless, the device works slowly underground.

Windows' own system check can be opened, but the system check hangs up or works forever - although it should be through in a few minutes.

Hard disk scan etc. And all the usual tools show no abnormalities.

What could be the reason? I really don't know any more…


Are all drivers up to date?

Which hard disk is installed and which Windows is installed?


All drivers are up to date. Hard drive is from HP and has 1 TB. WIN 10


The hard drive seems to be the catch. An SSD would be recommended.

Try defragmenting the hard drive.

If nothing helps, completely reformat the hard drive and restart Windows. (It is essential to reinstall Windows, do not reset or something like that, because that does not help at all)


Maybe that's because the CPU is from 2016

after all, a duo core is no longer technically the best

the computer probably just can't keep up with the current programs


Yes, I was already there.

However, I have my doubts whether this is due to the hard drive. Why should the system check take forever or not run at all - the computer actually only needs the main memory for this. And it should be big enough with 8 GB - or do I see something wrong.

The hard drive scan does NOT detect any hard drive errors…

Additional remark: The computer is not very old and the hard drive was never fuller than 20-25 percent…


Unlikely. The computer is used almost exclusively for surfing the Internet.


Paging file size set to manual and too small or disabled?

Any power-saving options (to protect the battery) activated?

Is it pulling any giant win updates or braking fragments / residue from it? (Run hard disk cleanup including system files)

RAM not enough for operating system, not recognized or defective?


Swap files are automatically allocated in an optimized manner.

Currently min 16 MB max 4800 MB

Saving options are activated - but the computer used to be much faster with the same settings.

I don't think fragments either because hard disk scan is negative and utilization of the FP is only at 20%

The RAM is big enough and it is recognized - of course I can't rule out a defect.

I'm trying to set up WIN 10 again this afternoon.

I think that one or more .dll files are defective somewhere.


Checking the control panel device manager for exclamation marks / yellow triangles would still be a possibility (driver problem), but I think it is unlikely.

Yes, sometimes it is more productive to do tabula rasa than tinkering around forever and then without success.

Tip: When you have set up the box again and it runs perfectly, create a backup (clone) of the system partition (s), even after major changes, e.g. B. With Macrium Reflect or Clonezilla. Then you will save a lot of time / work in such a case in the future!

To do this, however, it is essential that all of your own data (including emails, etc.) are on a separate drive or partition, otherwise they will be overwritten after a restore!