Reset laptop (win 10)?


As stated in the title, I want to reset my laptop. At best, factory settings. Under Windows 10 yes there under update and security the function "to factory settings reset" (or something like that). My problem -> That does not work. After a good 10-20 minutes he tells me that an error has occurred and the reset does not work.

Under Windows 7, you could perform a factory reset directly in the bios to my knowledge. Is there something similar under Windows 10 in Uefi synonymous? And will the factory reset also delete the operating system?


Factory reset is only possible if the laptop manufacturer has set up a recovery on the hard disk on a separate, mostly hidden partition. (Mirror image of the factory installed system including the preinstalled programs).
This restore is not started in the UEFI / BIOS.

With Win10 recovery, Windows is practically reset to new.

If this recovery gets stuck, there's only one solution:
Back up your files and reinstall Win10.