My mouse has been having funny quirks for quite some time?


So, my mouse is not working properly. It was all ok and nothing happened or anything. Whenever cih scrolls, it'll scoot up and down as it pleases, I have no control over it. What can I do. Have a Mac and the mouse is only connected, have already completed and restarted the laptop and so.


I know that it is also a standard answer to such a question but also ever tried to delete the driver from the mouse and re-infected?

Unfortunately just do not know how to function under Mac. In Windows this would be similar to the Device Manager


In the past, mice had a bullet and the directions were translated with roles. At that time, the dirt on the mouse pad was removed. Was similar to plasticine.

Today, mice work with light. So I would turn the mouse and see if it is dirty. I would not look into the light, photocells are also small lasers.

Mice also work strangely in unsuitable ground or edition. Put a paper under the mouse.

There are also the wireless mice. Maybe the battery is empty?