Is it true, if we have a PC, no more hartz4 get?


My mother just said, when we have a pc, that we do not get hard4 anymore. The same applies to cars, laptops, etc

My mother has a laptop, but always hides it when people come from Hartz4.

Often she does not want me to own something and she then makes up a lie. I think that's why she could lie

Is that something? It seems illogical to me


Is nonsense. As long as this is not a disproportionately expensive device, of course, every household can own a laptop, even cars!

As long as it's not a significant asset, it's no problem.

A car, which has less value than 7.500 euro is generally permitted.

In addition, per person assets of at least 3,100 euro are free. If you have less property / assets, this is not a problem at all. The car (in the frame as mentioned) and the necessary household (ie bed, kitchen, 1 TV or 1 radio, pots, etc.) are to be considered separately, provided in a normal setting. Everything you have in addition is to be credited to the free allowance.

In addition: per deductible, the allowance increases by 150 euro


A normal PC or laptop is no longer a luxury even in the ALG - 2 cover, even a suitable vehicle - could own every person from the age of 15 years, if it was already in the month before the first application for ALG - 2 already had It is a privileged asset and would not be a problem up to a present value of up to 7500 euro.

You can of course also in the purchase of a car then - buy, only then you have to make sure that this is not over his due care, otherwise there may be problems with the job center, because then, if necessary, the question of what that was paid.

Because you can have only 150 euro per completed life + a single 750 euro for necessary purchases of assets, min. But 3100 euro + this one-time 750 euro, this min. 3850 euro could be so even on the account or passbook of a baby.

So, if a child under the age of 18 had an account or savings account, which would have to be stated and proved at the time of the application, assuming that there were 3000 euro, then that would not be a problem if the child bought a PC or a car if it would not exceed these 3850 euro.

If the car had been present - but already min.before the month of the first application, then it could also have a time value of up to 7500 euro, because it would then already considered privileged assets and would not counted on the property.

You can also use your pocket money in the benefits payment or if you have a side job (which must be reported) have saved your earnings, at least to the extent of your protection, what you may have.


As that reads I would say, your mum has looked too much housewife Kasperletheater at RTL…

that's the total weak fugue… Even on a car you have as a resin IV receiver a right. That does not mean you have to face the hardship of one, or even finance it, but if you had one and could afford it of your ruleset, they could only take that away if it was inappropriate.

Unfortunately, there's a relatively wide margin of discretion here, but as a rule, a car with a residual noise level (DAT) of less than 4000 euro is always considered adequate…

with larger families, it may then be worth a little more, because, for example, Rarely gets a minibus around the price. And when he is almost ready for the press.

as far as computer, laptop and so on. You should not just have everything in an exaggerated form. So a high end gaming calculator or the most expensive macbook, I would say that could be critical. But most of the controllers do not look that much, unless something else stands out.

In any case, a computer, even a childrens one, is not considered a luxury when they are not very young. So you do not need to be afraid…

For me, the question still arises: you wrote, your mum hides the valuables, when the people come from the office… How often do they visit you?

usually they are chronically understaffed. This means that people only look at it, even if something is wrong or suspects that it is.

and all of us… Coming to a flat where there's NO TV and no computer can cause more suspicion than coming to one where there's just that.


As a collection of other answers or comments:

If you do not have a lavish passbook, then even if the xBox and Switch are classified as assets, you would definitely not exceed your allowance.
What you are telling apparently your mother has no fortune, the allowance you will certainly be far below
Hartz IV does not come home, but when someone comes from the job center
You do not have to let these people in from the job center, unless there's a court order and there's only a reasonable suspicion and if the recipient here does not help with this information - this should be your mother Bayr. Land Social Court Decision v. 11.3.2011, L7 AS 83/11 B ER read / research
Having no expensive equipment is not entirely wrong, but it means disproportionately expensive, e.g. Nen Gaming PC for 3-4TSD Euro or the latest 70 "SmartTV with 4k UHD - you are even entitled to a TV or a radio (if not the office must take over the purchase) and a computer or laptop in a standard version is allowed Partly this will also receive a grant, if justified.
No change from Hart IV as your mother says has come into effect and is not planned


Even if the child, as in this case, is 14 years old and has a PC - assuming 3000 euro, that would not be a problem if it had no other assets or altogether not come across the max.3850 euro (under 21) would.


Thank you for your star!