Parents Hartz4 and daughter (student) had a 450 euro job for two months?


My girlfriend has a question. So her parents (her father) gets Hartz 4, the mother works in retail and the daughter studies. Now she wanted to buy a laptop and had a 450 euro job in the soft time (for two months: Nov. 260 euro and Dec. 460 euro earned), but this is not reported or otherwise. Now she has received a letter in which she should present the contract. Now to my question, does she have to repay the money? She has bought her a laptop from the money, which is very important for the study. It already happened that she got a student loan as a student, and now has to repay it in installments to the office, because in the months (in which she actually had to get Bafög) has just received the money from the office. Now she is afraid that she will have to pay all the money back to the office. And here is another question, the office WILL, that the mother changes the tax code, may they ask for it?

I would be very happy about an answer and thank you for any help.


From whom did she receive a letter and where should she present the contract?

If she was properly registered for the job I'm starting out with, she has nothing to lose. Unless she has a scholarship or other contract where she gets paid and is contractually bound to earn nothing else


The letter is from the office and the contract should present them and submit more stuff (bank statements, etc.)


November 260 euro minus 100 is 160

She can keep 80% of that

December 460 euro minus 100 is 360

Of which keep 80%

Ergo: about 420 are reclaimed or charged with the further payments.


Yes, the job center may require changing the tax code if it would result in more net income, thus reducing need.

It comes at least to a recovery of wrongfully related services, can still quite possibly happen even an ad for fraud is added and that would mean at least one more cash payment.

If she gets student loans and at the same time still earns earned income, then the lump sum of 100 euro in allowance deducted from her student loans will theoretically be deducted for study expenses.

In return, you are then entitled to the allowances on earned income under § 11 b SGB - ll, that gross income would be 100 euro basic allowance, from 100 euro - 1000 euro gross come 20% and from 1000 euro - 1200 euro gross again 10% to free allowance,

So if they had gotten these 260 euro for November and the 460 euro for December without any deduction, ie gross = net, then that would be 132 euro and 172 euro franchise, and then, after deduction, a salary of 128 euro and 288 euro result.

Should it have received more gross than net, then the allowances would increase slightly and the eligible income by a penny or even 2 euro / 3 euro sink.

To these ca.128 euro + about 288 euro = about 416 euro to an accountable income would then even the 2 x 100 euro flat rate allowance from Bafög - come, then we would be at around 616 euro what they have wrongly related could.

In this 100 euro basic allowance 30 euro insurance fee are included, these can be deducted ever, so there were left for these two months so max.jeweils 70 euro she would have to use for professionally necessary expenses.

So if she can prove to the job center that she had more than 70 euro in necessary expenses during the two months, including those through studies, then they could be deducted separately from the approximately 616 euro, the rest she must certainly go to the job center pay back and when it's back in installments.