Wordpress: Website different fonts on devices?


I'm currently working on my website about the provider Ionos with Wordpress.
About my laptop and my phone (Samsung) is the font that I have set.

The font is different for other devices such as Apple products and Microsoft products.
Can someone tell me what settings I have to make so that the font is the same for ALL devices?


I suspect you have not defined the font-face information in the CSS so that iOS devices recognize it. Here is an explanation:


The effect that the devices display different fonts is because not all devices have all fonts installed. If you set a font that does not exist on a system, the system will select a font.
This can be avoided in the following ways:
Either use a standard font like Arial, Tahoma, Times, Verdana
Or using a Google font that is included when loading the page
Or using a purchased font, where you cache the font files on the website
Google fonts or purchased fonts are then integrated via CSS commands. The WordPress theme WeaverXtreme supports e.g. Also Google fonts.
Disadvantage with the Google fonts or the bought fonts is a somewhat longer loading time of the side, which naturally u.U. Also has a negative impact on the Google ranking.