Laptop (Fujitsu) goes off after about 15-20 minutes?


My problem is that my LIFEBOOK A Series, Fujitsu AH530 gets very hot & runs out after about 15-20 minutes without warning.

Of course, my first thought was of course the fan (which is sure to be), but when he starts he jumps briefly, but after a few seconds goes out again & does not do what he should actually do.

Checked if he is clean I have too.

Can I do something to make him work independently again?

I can already think of the answer (s), but thank you anyway!


I would once install the latest Windows on it and flatten the part.


Burnin test at DOS level or with Linux Knoppix or WINPE test CD. If the fan does not run then remove and let run permanently. If the problem is running, it is probably due to the fan control or power supply on the motherboard that can also measure. Repair is verm. Difficult because SMD technology is simpler you laid a cable set on the continuous current side so that he fan is always running.

FSC has a good supply of parts (for example, the Bechtle is everything, but expensive) or the fans can be found on Epay.