Used laptop during thunderstorm?


Sorry for such a stupid question but I'm really not so good with it.

if it's outside, it's enough to unplug your laptop or should I not use it during a thunderstorm?

And does it make a difference if a lightning rod is at the house? So could I leave the laptop in the case in the case?

Sorry for the ignorance but I have to do something important on the laptop and want to play it safe.


Of course, a lightning rod is a great help.

Normally, nothing ever happens, I have my 3'000 euro gaming setup running even during thunderstorms.

It's even safer to unplug the laptop from the wall outlet.


In general, a lightning strike in a house can come through the power line, or the Internet line (rarely also the water lines). Fortunately, there are many homes where a lightning arrester and, more generally, the location is unlikely to cause overvoltage "into the home".

But now that the lightning passes through the power line are potentially endangered any devices that depend on the power (alternatively, all that are connected by cable to the telephone / Internet line). So if you just do not run your laptop with the power cord, you're on the safe side.


Okay thank you very much!


Okay thank you very much!


To do something for the good conscience:


Thanks, but just about this time.