I feel electricity?


People I have the following problem I feel electricity when I bsp laptop touch or when my phone is stuck in the charge cable when I touch the surface of the mobile phone or the laptop I feel the electricity from this device what can I do against there's no joke I have electricity in the body.


Do you have a very wet skin? And clearly you have electricity in the body. What do you think about how your body would work otherwise? Through impulses.


Yes but is it normal that I feel the whole electricity in the device when I touch the side I feel a whole stream of the device other person does not feel that but only me…


May also be that your phone is broken. But there are people where the skin is very conductive due to moisture.


Not only the phone but laptop what can I do if it is moisture


Go to the doctor…


What you can possibly feel is static electricity. On furniture, on carpets, etc. You can definitely get a wipe. Is then usually on clothes that charges when worn by friction. The electricity in cables or devices you can only feel if they are badly insulated or incorrectly wired and have a metal housing or component that you touch.

And, of course, your body "has" or produces electricity like any other living thing. Without it, there would be no data processing in the brain and no function of the muscles.


Nothing. Is innate sowas.es are also people who can handle electricity without them die. Because they have a very dry skin. Try to get your hands completely dry and then touch the cellphone.


I have before but he would probably say keep the fehrn from the electrical appliances


In this case, probably the imagination plays the main role.


So you think that I'm a picture? Can't be 😅


I feel this volume but nothing much happens to me but I feel it


I have the same, I feel the electricity on the case of my laptops or tablet but only if it's plugged in. I think I lost some sensitivity on my fingertips from that over time. Anone else got these problems?