Laptop battery in e shisha?


I took out a laptop battery with 18650 MaH 4 lithium batteries, so the voltage measured and a result of 2250 Mah.

My question is can they explode in the E Shisha the battery contain 6 cells a charge of 18650 mah.

I only smoke my E shisha at 50 watts and the display shows that it draws 3.2 V.

My E shisha needs 18650 Mah lithium battery.

so far it has remained cold when used completely and did not go empty quickly so it was economical and cool.

hope someone can help me before it fires over my ears.

Device name gx350 Smok


You should only use the batteries provided for this purpose, everything else could fly around your ears as it is not only the voltage that plays a role, but also the connected cores which, if you load them in your e shisha, may also be overloaded because the shisha The fuses can no longer be used with bad luck and they do not switch off when fully charged and shoots over the mark. I have already found a cell phone with a battery. I was lucky the battery just burst and did not explode

Long story short, the battery is not the same


Can I charge it with another charging device that charges the batteries and then smoke with the e shisha and when they go empty, take them out again and continue charging with the battery


That could work because this charging station recognizes when the battery is really full and the fuse is designed for a higher voltage, but I can't say what damage a hookah will possibly cause from how much voltage the battery gives the hookah from about 0, 5 A could still handle the device but with more the electrical system will be damaged because it is not designed for so much


Thanks in advance

on the packaging it says at least 25 amps that would still be good or too much if 0.5 were good 25 equals 2.5 a I don't know my way around


If the battery of your e Shisha has 25A power, then you should not permanently exceed this 25A on cell phones, the example is best if you are supplied with a charging plug with 1.5A for your new cell phone, you should never use much more for charging 0.5 still in the tolerance range, so a maximum of 2A for charging, but this is not so gentle on the battery, it will then go faster, but the electrical system survives 0.5A more