Can I safely leave my laptop open for 2 months?


I have to go away for 2 months soon. During this time, I would like to leave my laptop at home so that I can access it on the go with my cell phone or tablet. Can I safely leave my laptop open? In the room where the laptop is but there's a lot of dust, which means that I usually clean the laptop every third day. I charge the battery via a remote-controlled socket.

Is it bad for the laptop to stay open for so long?

Beautiful evening.


Theoretically no problem. However, one should not simply leave electronic devices running unattended, theoretically, a defect could always occur.


You can close it…

I would not do something like that, I'm much too panicked about a cable fire or something.

Take it with you or load the data you want to access into a cloud. Why do you want to have access to it at all?


Crazy idea… Take the laptop with you… Otherwise a laptop should be able to do it.


With me there are still people in the house who are careful. That is not a problem.


Oh yeah, sure.


To come back to your question I would like to use some writing programs on it and print it out.


That is not the point.


Why don't you simply load the data onto an external hard drive and integrate it into your home network via your router?


Yes, actually that is exactly the meaning behind such a laptop. Otherwise you would use a server in a data center. They are meant to run 24/7. The laptop… You take it with you.


Cable fire? Well…

You leave your fridge / freezer and other devices (heating or thermal baths etc.) wsl. Also switched on when you are traveling, right? A "theoretical" cable fire is more likely, since larger currents flow than with a simple laptop power supply.


You can also set it up so that the laptop stays on when you close it.

Battery out and only with power supply.

The question is whether the people who live there can simply turn on the laptop when you need it. Then he doesn't always have to run.


If I left my apartment for 2 months and there was no one there, I would not leave my fridge on and turn off the electricity. I even turn off the water when I go for a few days and also pull out all the plugs when I go on vacation. I've had the "pleasure" of water damage during my absence.


Can happen to you with any device in the house. Even in the distribution box


The laptop doesn't run all the time either. So WOL has integrated Wake on Lan.


I just wanted to take as little technical equipment as possible, but in principle you're right. My laptop has integrated WOL i.e. I can switch it off and on again from anywhere.


Because I want to use writing programs and I want to use the printer.
