Whatsapp on the PC, function of the return key?


Whatsapp for Windows 10 is installed on my laptop. If I want to write a message via Whatsapp and want to jump one line deeper, I use e.g. If you have a question, press the Return key. If I press this key on a Whatsapp message to form a paragraph or a new line, the already written text is sent. That's happened to me X times. Can you adjust that somewhere, that does not happen, because you do it automatically.


No, but you can simultaneously press the uppercase key, then you make a line feed


Thanks, that works, you just have to get used to it.


In the settings area for WhatsApp you can adjust the behavior for the return/enter key. The below steps will likely resolve this for you: 1 - Go into WhatsApp settings 2 - Open Chats 3 - Uncheck the box at the top that says 'Enter is send'


No option in the PC version settings. Sphere484 (Thanks) Said, you can simultaneously press the uppercase key, then you make a line feed. This works for me.


wokrs for me too