Desktop Black, Explorer.exe does not start?

- in Gaming

I have a problem with my PC (I'm writing with a laptop). Yesterday evening everything was fine, but today I wanted to turn it on until I get to the login screen without any problems, but when it goes to the desktop everything stays black. The mouse and the software of my Razer components open. I can open the task manager via CTRL ALT DEL. Windows Explorer is not listed there. If I want to run this under FILE and NEW TASK, nothing happens. If I start this by admin rights, Explorer will be listed shortly but will close immediately. The desktop will not load. The same in Safe Mode. Until the device manager (for GraKa driver) I'm not, because I can't execute other keyboard shortcuts.

What I tried:

Start Explorer.exe in Task Manager (with Admin rights)
Try to get into Control Panel or Device Manager
Repeatedly restart
Safe mode tested

My system:

Ryzen 2600 | Gigabyte AX370 Gaming K5 | 16gb G. Skill Aegis | Win 10


Recovery point is unfortunately relatively old and would be for me the last option that comes into question. Do you still have a try?

EDIT: //

For me, nothing had worked so far, so I restored my system (did not want to hang it all day). For all people who have the same problem, a few solutions that may work:

Starts in Safe Mode to test (CTRL ALT DELETE and restart the PC with SHIFT.) Go to Advanced Troubleshooting Options on STARTUP SETTINGS The PC restarts and you have a list of possible startups (4 = Safe Mode) it is not there, reinstall the Graka driver in the Device Manager.
You open the task manager and go to FILE, then to NEW TASK and enter "taskkill explorer.exe", confirmed and enter "explorer.exe". If not, enter CMD there and enter both commands in the console.
Open CMD again and enter the following commands in succession… Can take a while:

Dism / Online / Cleanup Image / ScanHealth

Dism / Online / Cleanup Image / CheckHealth

Dism / Online / Cleanup Image / RestoreHealth

sfc / scannow

Attempt to log in with another user if you do not have one enabled the administrator user in the CMD console with the command:

net user administrator / active: yes

CTRL ALT DELETE and press SHIFT to restart, troubleshoot, and try to uninstall the latest Windows Updates.


Did a second user hurry?




Try to get in CMD / input request and you also at Google the command to start the Explorer. You can also enter "taskkill explorer.exe" or so before starting the explorer if it has just risen, it will be terminated and you can restart it completely.

Try it too

Windows key + X


Windows key + R


Alt + F4


Try Windows logo key + CTRL + SHIFT + B


In Safe Mode, you see everything?


In safe mode, it's the same, all black. The key combination works (the sound comes) but it does not work.


Shortcuts have shown no response. I opened CMD via Task Manager and tried to start, restart and exit the Explorer to start it again. Everything without success. Taskkill Explorer.exe did not work either


Come into the CMD, I have read here under the answer of Maxxe718. Then go in there and execute the following commands for a WS repair:

Dism / Online / Cleanup Image / ScanHealth

Dism / Online / Cleanup Image / CheckHealth

Dism / Online / Cleanup Image / RestoreHealth

sfc / scannow

The process per command might take a couple of minutes.


Corrupted files were found, but only partially repaired. Since I do not want to sit on it all day, I'm doing a system recovery now. Nevertheless many thanks.