Trojans in email?


I have an email account on my laptop where it could be (I don't think so) that it is infected with a trojan.

1st time assuming I get another mail acc on this device, could the trojan then switch to it?

And I'm going to build a new pc soon;

If I register on this with my old email, is the trojan you there automatically?


You have to install a Trojan yourself. I.e. When you log in, nothing happens.


The only way to catch a virus via email is to open links and attachments in an email. Only by opening an email or even logging into your mailacc is safe and you can't catch a virus. Provided that you use an official mail program or the official website.
So you do not need to create a new Acc because it is not affected. And on your new PC you can also take your old one. Then you must not make the same mistake and open a link / attachment to a virus mail.