Can you read through and correct my summary?


My experience with distance e-learning has its advantages and disadvantages. Basically, I had to get used to the distance e-learning phase because you are used to doing the tasks at school. The advantages of distance e-learning would be that you can do your work anytime, anywhere, you save yourself the way to school and can do all the work on your laptop and do not have to constantly drag books back and forth. The online meetings are an advantage because everyone can attend from home and talk to everyone about how they are doing or have questions about the tasks. The disadvantages would be that social contacts and traditional teacher students make it difficult for students who are underachieving to perform the tasks easily without personal help.


Is this a school essay?

If so, that's quite usable. But I would still dare a look. So: how can it go on, what are the opportunities, risks, hurdles and challenges for the future. Otherwise, maybe work with a few sources that support one or the other thesis or indicate potentials or abuses.

All in all, I would not only write in the I-form but would remain neutral in certain places (if one can prove it with sources).

At Google Scholar you can find e.g. Also freely accessible scientific sources. If you reference it well and argue with it, the 1 is certain.


My experience with distance e-learning has shown me that it has its advantages and disadvantages. First I had to get used to the distance e-learning phase because you are used to doing the tasks at school. The advantages of distance e-learning would be that you can do your work anytime, anywhere. In addition, you save yourself the way to school and can do all the tasks on the laptop and do not have to constantly drag books back and forth. The online meetings are an advantage because every student can attend from home and talk to each other, e.g. B. How you are or whether you have questions about the tasks. The disadvantages would be that social contact and traditional teacher is a student (huh?) For students who are performing poorly, it is not easy to do the tasks without personal help.


P.S.: Maybe you should add your personal result. So whether you like it or not.


My experience with distance e-learning has its advantages and disadvantages.

Your experience can have no advantages or disadvantages. Rather write something in the direction: I had to determine that distance e-learning has advantages and disadvantages, which I noticed personally…

Basically, I had to get used to the distance e-learning phase because you are used to doing the tasks at school.

Getting used to it twice is not a good thing. Replace "usual" with normally. Ex: … Usually you do the work in a familiar working atmosphere, the school.

The advantages of distance e-learning would be that you can do your work at any place and at any time, furthermore you save yourself the way to school and can do all the work on your laptop and do not have to constantly carry books back and forth. The online meetings are also an advantage, since everyone can participate from home and talk to everyone (how you are or you have questions about the tasks.) - I would leave out. The disadvantages include the reduction of social contacts and that Lack of a traditional teacher-student relationship. In addition, it is not optimal for underperforming pupils to complete the tasks alone, since a more intensive approach to the pupil is often necessary.

Then something like a conclusion: All in all, you can say… / What should you do in the future? / And much more.

I hope I could help you a little, best regards J


Is "distance e-learning" not a word and therefore has to be written together, ie also with a hyphen between "distance" and "E"?
Shouldn't there be a comma after "ist" in the second sentence to separate the main clause from the subordinate clause?
Shouldn't it be called "social contacts"?


Is "distance e-learning" not a word and therefore has to be written together, ie also with a hyphen between "distance" and "E"?

Yes, that's right.

Shouldn't there be a comma after "ist" in the second sentence to separate the main clause from the subordinate clause?

No, an extended infinitive with "too" no longer has to be separated by a comma.

Shouldn't it be called "social contacts"?

No idea. I don't understand the sentence, that's why (huh?).