Yellow letter from the district court, Schufa entry?


1.5 years ago I received a yellow letter from the district court because I didn't pay a phone bill on time. They immediately seized my account & then I paid the entire amount. Tomorrow I want to get a laptop but finance. Do I now have a Schufa entry because of the yellow letter from the district court? Could there be problems tomorrow or won't there be any problems?


Since you can assume that you have a negative Schufa entry.

But you can also obtain a self-assessment from the Schufa, then you also know what is written about you and your payment behavior.


In principle: the whole CAN be entered, but does not have to be. The entry must be made by a Schufa member, so it tends to be no. It is only safe from the asset information because an entry is made in the debtor register


They immediately seized my account

Such a statement alone is absurd… Before a seizure, the claim had to be titled… And so it can be assumed that this title was also reported to the Schufa.

Overall… How should we now know whether this claim was really reported to the Schufa?

There could be problems tomorrow

You should definitely assume that… Because such a negative entry will remain in place for 3 years after the claim has been settled.


They immediately seized my account & then I paid the entire amount

That's not true! A dunning notice was applied for and issued only after reminders had been issued. You could then have paid the amount. It is also possible that you missed an appointment for the oral hearing and did not move. Only then is an enforcement warrant applied for. The bailiff has probably even visited you and only then was the account attached. So you had a lot of time to deal with the matter.

Surely there will be a Schufa entry and that is correct, because you seem to be an unreliable business partner. Yes, it is possible that you - understandably - will have problems with financing tomorrow.

Think about your buying behavior! Buying on credit is expensive because you have to pay interest. If you fail to meet your payment obligations again, it will also be very expensive, because you would have to - as you know - pay all court fees and enforcement costs (bailiff, attachment of accounts, etc.).



If there was a garnishment, you can assume that it is in the Schufa. And then you can forget about funding.


That is not true, that is not an automatism with the Schufa. It only happens automatically when the bailiff accepts the financial report because the entry then ends up in the public debtor register which is read out by the Schufa (as well as by all others). Otherwise an active report by the creditor is required, and this must be a Schufa member. This is not unlikely for telecommunications companies, but even then they do not have to report.

At Schufa, you don't learn anything about payment behavior, but receive a so-called score… It is also different for each industry. In the self-assessment, you only get the basic score, not the individual industry scores. In addition there's the fact that everyone classifies the numbers differently internally… In the end you just have to try it.