Is that still life at all?


I wonder if the life that I and many others are living is still a life at all.

For me, life is doing something that can't be taken for granted. For example bungee jumping or skydiving or just doing something crazy with your best friend. So do something that is NOT part of your normal routine.

Now to my problem:

I, an optimist, have the feeling that I'm no longer alive. Nothing happens anymore. My only "drug" that makes me happy is exercise. All I can do is run and ride a bike. I don't want to do any sport inside because it doesn't make me happy. I'm actually always grateful: I have a roof over my head, I'm healthy, don't experience a war, have food and drinks, …

but i miss life If you know what I mean…

Recently I've been on my cell phone, laptop, etc. For far too long. Laptop in the morning and at noon because of homeschooling, cell phone in the afternoon and television in the evening and then again at night with a laptop…

I hardly get any sleep as a result and somehow I don't really feel like doing anything.

Homework, helping with household chores, … (I still do it all anyway) However, without much pleasure, without joy…

What can I do to "live" again?

I would appreciate your helpful answer

Big bises


What about reading, going for a walk in nature, enjoying nature. When you've done something, reward yourself, get flowers or something else nice, loving greeting


I can absolutely understand you. It was (or is still) exactly the same for me and when I was studying for my Abi I was sometimes even depressed because one couldn't 'live'. In general, you have to see this as an opportunity and be able to do something productive, do something with friends (under the given conditions) or keep yourself busy. Sport is always very good, so I can take an example from them. Maybe you will find a new hobby that you enjoy… Besides, it will soon be summer and I think it will be much better then 😊


Thank you 🤍


Hopefully, thanks for your answer 🤍🤍


I'm still struggling with it, not knowing if I'm the right person to answer this.

Apart from work (or in your case school), far too much time is eaten up by household chores, shopping, repairs, etc.

The solution lies in a conscious time planning and decision about what you want to take your time for and what not, or only very little. (The so-called "setting priorities")

Some people, especially Men are very rigorous: they have zero demands on cleanliness or comfort at home, so the time-wasting household is almost completely eliminated.

Isn't their priority.

Instead, the feet are consistently put up after work and the film is watched until dinner, which is a combination of ready meals with a little raw vegetables, lettuce leaves or spring onions for the vitamins.

Fill the weekends from morning to night with jogging, hiking, cycling, excursions.

This is an example of how you can do it…


Thank you


Everyone defines "life" differently.

You are fine, you can do sports, but on the other hand you also have stress and when are you able to really enjoy what you have acquired or worked on so far?

Can you still get bored from time to time and enjoy the boredom or do you always need to do something?

You don't really need that much to enjoy life, you need an inner satisfaction that you can still be satisfied with what you have.

To treat yourself to things or to allow yourself to be and then also be happy that you can still enjoy it.

Unfortunately, many have forgotten how to enjoy life and not always run from one event to the next because they are afraid that they will miss something.

Many also confuse having a lot with "life", but many lack satisfaction and yet they are not happy.

Everyone has to find out for themselves what meaning is missing in their life and whether they could be satisfied with less, but would be happy.

Because we all don't take anything with us when we have to go


Thanks for this nice answer 🤍