Was my router hacked?


Yesterday I surfed the internet as usual when suddenly I did not have internet for a few seconds. Since I'm on my router via LAN cable in there, I could not see what the cause was. There was no network found. But as I said, after a few seconds it went again. I changed immediately from security, Wi-Fi key and password. Because I really never had something like that. Then checked via my router settings, if a foreign computer is listed somewhere, found nothing. And since then it's all over again, just what I thought was a bit Spanish again today, when I was on my dad's laptop and wanted to connect to the router, the laptop connected to the router as usual, but I noticed a new router below right, near the networks. Overall, we have close to 5 networks: 3 from my neighbor (I know), 1 Wi-Fi repeater in my bedroom, and our router. But the 6 was new, had very good network but also disappeared quickly, and since then I have not seen him again. Meanwhile, everything is back, packet loss I have not. But I still do not know if it was just a coincidence or if someone hacked into our network. Can I still somehow see if the router was tapped?


Sometimes the connection is just gone. If the router is restarted or the provider is a small "traffic jam". It can be everything.


Digga, I hate those 10-year-old kiddis who think that if something does not work, they're hacked! If that were the case, then the entire internet would be full of my data, because every 2 hours or so something does not work!


Thank you for your prompt reply. Is it suspicious if a new router that I do not know suddenly appears, even though we only have 3 houses in the street? The nearest houses are kilometers away.


Quite calm, I just wanted to ask, out of security. Because we had said something like that, never before. And unfortunately I'm no longer a kiddie.


Did somebody pick up a new one or do somebody hotspot or or or.


OK thanks


First of all we update the DSL connection again and again the night to be rebuilt clean. Just like radio usually between 2-3 clock, then the backlight on my radio.Ca. 30 sec.

Dan, one of you can have a new one. We're here 8 families already 4 of them are too far away. Schwiemu next door does not even have a phone. Fall out already. Then there are people who have a router because of Voip, but like everything else Most of the night power is dead, why then the phone does not work, one explains rather not. But I have 4 routers, sometimes there are six Some people take their time to the parents why whatsoever.

And Hacking is not going to be with a Visible Router. But your router over the net.