Can you also play Sims 4 with the primebook p15?


I have a primebook in front of me to buy but I'm not sure if it is right because there are so many other notebooks in the same price range that do not look nice and are also packed with plastic. So now I'm wondering if I can also play smoothly on the primebook p15 Sims. (Thanks to the the answers)


So as far as I know you should be able to use sims 4 on your computer but I can't say how well it is performing.

You should probably be able to play the game without any problems, but you can definitely play it


Sims 4 should run! A GTX 650 is recommended, but if you don't turn everything up then it will work out 😉


Just have a look at the model:

Lenovo Think Pad E595

Or Zephyrus G14

AMD Mobile Ryzen with 4 or 8 cores with integrated AMD Vega GPU, should Sims 4 pack without any problems. I was able to play liquid on the E595 Sims 3 under Linux Mint.