Legal situation for repairs to things from a relationship?


I need your help. It's about a girlfriend separating from her boyfriend, they were together for almost 5 years. In the relationship she had his laptop at home, unfortunately she ran Coke on the laptop, to be precise via the keyboard. This is no longer possible. Of course, he now demands that she have the laptop repaired. He did not say a word that the laptop is still under warranty and must be repaired by the manufacturer, otherwise the warranty will expire. He only said that she should have it repaired, she has now given it to a friend who is familiar with computers, who has removed the keyboard and found that a new one has to be inserted (which of course she pays). Now he is not compliant and is threatening her with a lawsuit because he says that if the laptop stops working, he will show her. What do you think about it? Can he get away with it? Because he didn't say a word that she had to hand it in to the manufacturer, just that she should have it repaired. She has fulfilled this obligation.


The laptop has to work again and a repair must be done by a specialist dealer


The laptop is working again


But how would she know if he never mentioned it? He should have said that in advance, not when the laptop was opened.


NanfxD… He is under repair, the keyboard has been ordered but not yet installed!


The laptop must be repaired by a specialist with an invoice


Yes, but when it is repaired, there's no more damage. In my opinion, there's no longer any entitlement. For the fact that you can't do it at the specialist workshop and the warranty has now expired, is probably to be attributed to contributory negligence under § 254 BGB.


I would doubt that now, it is about placing the injured party as if the damaging event had not occurred → laptop with a functioning keyboard. If he wanted it to be done in a particular workshop, he should have asked for money


We assume that even if the laptop is working again and is complete, it goes there afterwards and breaks something itself, just to push one in.


Then take a witness to test the laptop. Make a video and show that every button works. Only hand over the laptop with a witness. So the chances in court would be pretty good


Well, that's why testing everything and showing that it works when the fan stops working is at least suspect


Thanks for your answers!


No thanks, you can do it. If he should "display" her you can laugh, criminally your girlfriend doesn't have to be afraid


Anyone who claims compensation must justify his claim. Of course, this also applies to the height. He can't come up with another claim after the part has been repaired and is operational again.