Why is the laptop crackling?


For a few days now the laptop has been "crackling" (this noise when many programs are running at the same time…) - even if not a single program has been started - so only the normal Windows desktop can be seen.

No programs have been installed without my knowledge and I have not discovered any background processes…


I don't have as much idea from now but it's the same with me.
I think it comes from the hard drive


Programs do not generate jokes. Do you mean the access noise of an HDD?


May be. What does that mean?


As already mentioned, it is not the programs. "Crackling" is more a sign that parts are hitting somewhere that you shouldn't do, possibly caused by overuse, wear or bumps against the laptop.

Can be the ventilation or the hard drive if it is an HDD. The modern SSD's certainly do not rattle.

See if the laptop gets hotter in general. I guess it's the ventilation, that's how it was with me, but I'm not an expert either.


This means that many file accesses take place. Can be a fullscan from the virus scanner or updates that are installed in the background.


I'm so free and answer your question: HDD hard drives work mechanically when you read and write data. Depending on the age, type and quality of a hard drive, you make more or less noise. There's a quiet "chatter" followed by. Well, we call it a quiet squeak. But these are normal work noises as long as they are not excessively loud.


The CPU is shown to be full and allegedly countless Google Chrome processes are running - even though I haven't even opened the browser.