Why can't certain files be moved?


Have had problems with certain files on my laptop in Windows 10 for some time. They simply can't be moved or copied to an external hard drive. The problem occurs relatively often, but only with a very small proportion of the files. There are mostly mp4 files, i.e. Videos with which everything is actually OK, so they can be played without any problems, but if I want to move 100 MP4 files to my external hard drive, for example, For 5 files, the message "The source file or from the source disk can't be read"

I just don't understand it… Why not if everything is fine with the files themselves and can be played?

Maybe someone had exactly the same problem as me and can help me? Would be very grateful for that!


May be due to the file name. Then renaming could help.

Can the 5 files not be copied or moved permanently? There's also a difference.


The one with the 5 files was just an example. At the moment I have 8 files (all MP4) that did not want to be on the hard disk. The rest, over 100, on the other hand, yes, and they can't be moved anywhere. I just tried to copy to another hard drive, but it doesn't work.
I can try the renaming…


Okay, I tried renaming a file, but it didn't stand a chance. Problem still exists:/


Mysterious. Take a Linux boot stick and move the files should help.


Please check the SMART values of the source data carrier and - if everything is OK - carry out a CHKDSK.


Oh, unfortunately that doesn't tell me anything… How is that supposed to work? Don't know me like that.


Are you trying to move or copy them? If you just copy the error is somewhere else, but when moving the corresponding files can be blocked for whatever strange reason… And the files can only be copied / moved externally or within the computer.


Obtain a bootable stick with Linux from someone who can do this for you, then you can copy, delete or move any file there.

Linux doesn't care about Windows flavors and can move all files at will.

Then start Win again and you're done.

Unfortunately I don't know where you can pull yourself an ISO or something on the fast but ask your friends who are familiar with it or google that.

Using Linux is just like bread, a Debian should be enough.


A possible cause may be that the complete path name of the corresponding file is too long (> 240 characters).

A well-known Windows disease.

If that should be the case, then shorten the names of the directories that "lead" to the files.


Oh dear, I don't know anyone right now and to be honest, I'm too much effort for that. I have so much to do on my lapi and am quite stressed. I prefer to wait until I have bought a computer and just continue to torture myself with the problem if it has been going on for years.


Do you mean that with a command prompt? If so, already done, otherwise I don't know what it means now. : /


No - I mean, you should first check the S.M.A.R.T. Values of your data media.
If you don't have a program, you can use https://crystalmark.info/en/software/crystaldiskinfo/.

Before you do anything else with data carriers, you check whether the things are generally okay.


Neither, I cut and paste them.


No, that's definitely not because it doesn't work for me.


So postpone… If that doesn't go externally or if he also zicks around internally. And that from one physical disk to another (if you have more than one ^^)?


So I don't know why I should do this, because my external hard drives are both ok, so I'm using two and both of them just can't copy certain files. Most of them, however, and if they were damaged, nothing would work.


Then leave it - that's your problem.
We hear each other then with your upcoming question "Help! Now all data is gone!"


I have already tried to move or copy from drive D to C, but the problem is still there. So it's not because of my external hard drives


That almost happened to me at the end of last year, but I was able to save my data using a program.
I'm now more careful and do backups.


I got the program out of curiosity and it says the following:
Drive C & D from my laptop are in bad shape. Reallocated sectors: Actual value: 1, Worst value: 1, Limit value: 5, and the overall condition is bad, so it is red as it looks right?
With my one hard drive where I copy everything in, the overall condition is good and another external hard drive has a cautious overall condition. Currently pending sectors and non-correctable sectors are yellow, otherwise everything is blue. : /