Is there a way to get notifications on Disocord when a user is offline?


Hi, I have a Discord server with my own bot that runs on my laptop. However, it is no longer as reliable. The bot often goes out without an error message appearing on the console on the laptop. So I wanted to ask if there's a way to get a notification when a user / bot goes offline.


I do not think so


Yes. You could e.g. Query every 10 seconds whether the bot is online.

But you can also simply code a second bot that uses the following event (if you only use JS):


But now the question is. What if your web server or your second bot goes off? -._-.


And because of that go out by itself. Have to look at the standby mode settings. Are you sure that everything is right there?


As far as I know there's no standby mode at node.js and a second bot would of course be possible, but I don't have a second laptop or PC that could run 24/7


Not with node.js. I mean its standby mode on your laptop.


Nope it is set so that it does not go into standby mode and node.js does not show any errors, but in dc it is off and does not react to commands