I lost a file on the USB stick, what should I do?


Today I wrote a text for school on my PC. Then I saved.

I was informed that my USB stick had a defect which I should fix.

Then I took the measures that Windows had given me and then the USB stick worked again, but then I was horrified to discover that the file was lost when I later connected the USB stick again.

I then went down to the stand PC and looked whether the USB stick would get the message that it was defective.

All good, no defect. With the laptop it is displayed again and again on the stand PC.

I then downloaded a program from minitool and tried to restore the file… I was then shown over 1000 contents that were lost, which I can't explain to myself when I clicked on old files. But I can still open them all… Only one file is lost.

Can someone help me please?


She's gone.

Have to recreate the document.


Can someone help me please?

Tjoa, while recovery tools say the file is too badly damaged, laypeople won't be able to help you either.

Start to rewrite the text


Maybe in the% TEMP% folder. But only with luck. You have to sort the files by date and look for the size and date of the file


The entire files were apparently much too badly damaged, but I can open them


Thanks where can I find this folder


It is hidden. Simply enter% TEMP% in the address line of the workplace explorer and press Enter




If you can't open your one file then that's just the way it is. It is quite possible that the content of the file was never written to the stick


He probably couldn't write the file at all. Next time save it on the laptop first and then copy it to the USB stick.

And throw the stick in the electronic junk and get yourself a new one, it's gone. That it can still be read on the PC could be due to the fact that it can deliver a slightly higher voltage or more current than the laptop, so that it is still enough for reading. But writing needs a higher current than reading…


Ok, I have to see if it's really broken because I have a lot of important stuff on it…


Then copy it down there (if it still works) and onto a new stick, it gets worse and worse if it has a problem… USB sticks don't last forever.


Nothing was found either


Okay, I just tried again to save something and it is now possible… The file was also found… So I should still copy the data from the USB stick to the laptop and then copy it again from the laptop so that I can put it on the USB stick?


So almost twice is better?


An additional copy can never hurt… Such a backup can save your A *. As already written, I would not use a USB stick that has caused problems for any important data, these things do not cost the world and the data would be more important to me.

Copying the stuff again on the same stick somehow makes no sense.


No not on the same lel but on another haha