Do I need to take care of BIOS and UEFI in BalenaEtcher?


Will install Linux on my laptop with the same USB stick, which I have flashed Linux Mint and installed on my PC. Do I need to worry about BIOS and UEFI in the boot menu?


Actually not in my opinion, but waiting for confirmation of a 100% knowledgeable


LOL! Not even on question received but still big thanks for the answer ^^


Either you have a device with BIOS or UEFI. 😉

No matter: the answer should be "no".

But: The annual reports of the c't-uplinks on Linux on laptops look unfortunately very sad, when thinking of driver supply and power saving modes.


I have UEFI. But do not have to pay attention in BalenaEtcher or?


The above is a general statement about Linux - so is more or less for all Distris.


You do not have to. BalenaEtcher creates the sticks so that they can be booted in both BIOS and UEFI.

BalenaEtcher can also be used to flash operating systems for the Raspberry Pi on a memory card.